House Fence Obligations When Building?

I am building a house between two other existing houses, and one of the neighbours has asked for me to pay for half a fence that has been there for a year or 2 on our boundary. do i have any obligations to pay for half the fence, or is it just the friendly thing to do?


  • +1

    it depends on what state -in WA the neighbor doesn’t have to pay until they have finished the house (or thats the way it was when i last buit) .when you buy a block you should always ask what fences have been paid for. Your local government office should have a brochure on it with the rules for your state and what you have to pay as if he has built a brick fence you only have to pay for half a normal fence .A lot of neighbor fights are over fences

  • If it was already existing I don't see what you would need to pay for it. What if you didn't want a fence? Seems like a cash grab to me but…

    agree with above, you don't want to start off your relationship with your neighbour on bad terms.

  • +1

    so was the fence there when you bought the house? if yes, I'd tell them to take a hike

  • yeah, the fence was there when we bought the block. just been speaking to Council, they said there is a Fences Act, which says
    Under the Fences Act:

    Neighbour must serve a notice to their neighbour with a quote PRIOR to fence going up
    Must give neighbour at least 30 days notice to respond

    As no notice was served, we are not obliged to contribute to the fence

    Had a notice be served on the previous land owner, we must be made aware of that prior to purchasing the block, otherwise if notice was served and the previous land owner did not notify us, the previous land owner is liable

    In this case, no notice was served, as such we are not liable

  • Hi
    When we built, there was no neighbour, so we just built the fence. Never charged them a thing. just unlucky being first on the block. your neighbours just need to know that it is what happens when you are first. tough luck.

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