Someone Purchased a Subscription through My iTunes

So I recive a email stating that someone has purchased a music membership at 26.75GBP through my iTunes account and it wasn't me
It's giving me the invoice number and document number under my email but says through Sono Iphone

Now I tried to cancel the subscription but didn't have luck

I need help if anyone knows how to cancel this
I think I've been hacked through my iTunes account


  • +3

    It's likely a phishing email. Change your password.

    • I just did

      Thankyou :)

    1. Check your bank account or credit card statement to be sure it was actually charged. It could be a fake email.
    2. If it was actually charged, it's time to reset your iTunes password! Also, setup 2-factor authentication.
    3. Contact iTunes support and get the subscription canceled/revoked.
    • Thankyou I did just do just that write a email to iTunes

  • +1

    Did you click on any links in the email and subsequently enter your password? I don't think you have been scammed yet, but you're probably about to be!

  • I have checked my bank account details and nothing has been taken out or pending yet

    I have informed my bank that this has happened
    Right now they can't do much if it is a hack
    But if it is pushing email
    Boy did I stress over it

    I did just write a email to iTunes

    Let's hope it's a rubbish email

    • it's probably a phishing attempt but since you changed the password, you should be alright, like lupiter mentioned, enable two-factor authentication as well.

  • It's a phishing email. The big giveaway is to check who the email sender is and you can clearly see it's not or something similar and also, if you purchase content, why would it list it in British Pounds?

  • Thankyou all
    I am 90% it was a push mail

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