Office Chairs

Hello everyone

Can anyone recommend a good chair that is comfortable to sit on for a long duration?
Being a full time VFX student I am required to sit down for upwards of 8-10 hours a day (give or take)at my computer and thus I feel that it would be wise to invest in a chair that is comfortable and ergonomic to use over a long period of time.

I have heard some good things about the Herman Miller Aeron chair however it is quite pricey ($1,500 new), although I could get it at a significant discount if I can find a used one somewhere else. I do intend on trying out a couple different chairs before purchase to see if what is on offer will suit my posture, but I would like to hear what you guys would recommend I check out.

I would prefer to keep my budget within the $400-600 range if possible.
If you guys could help me with this that would be greatly appreciated.



  • Yes Herman Miller, you won't be disappointed. Check gumtree, there are some bargains out there. I got my table and chair combo for $150, the chair alone is worth $700~ so yeah. Literally like brand new.

  • I also like the steel case think chair. I got one off gumtree for home use after using it at work for a few years

  • I have a Miller Aeron personally, nice chair, definitely makes sitting for long hours more bareable.

    Also check out Haworth Zody Task chairs. They RRP for the sale price of the Aeron and can be picked up second hand for $500-600 when they pop up.

  • sitting down for 8-10 hrs a day is not good for your sperm count.

    • I may have exaggerated the number a little, I always take short breaks every hour or so to stand up and stretch.

  • The Aeron is great but make sure it is the right size frame for you. (it comes in diff sizes.)
    As a bargain option, I would highly recommend the Buro Metro chair at Staples or Officeworks.

  • I use a Swiss ball.. Cost 8 bucks. Just be sure to get anti burst. Make the room a staple free zone.

  • Given the limited availability of the Aeron chair I am considering dropping it as an option for now. I have heard a few good things from the SecretLabs Omega Stealth range, and it's on sale atm. Reviews are pretty good but can anyone vouch for the quality of these chairs?

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