Investment Property. Where Would You Buy? (SYDNEY)

Ok let's say you have $200k sitting in your offset account and you're to invest in an investment property. Where about in SYDNEY would you buy and why? Provide that you can borrow $800k from bank.

Which suburb would you be looking at and how long would you keep the house? Short, medium or long term? House or apartment?


  • Eneloops?

  • +2

    I hear that an $80k car can be a snappy little money earner…

    • +2

      Good thing is I work for NAB.

  • +4

    If we had the answers to those questions we'd all be rich. Do your due diligence, cross your fingers and hope for the best. Generally speaking property investment is long term 10 - 15 years.

  • Basically you asking for the holy grail, the people in the know arent just going to give up that kind of information for free on these kind of forums. Goto some real estate seminars, and do some research. Or get professional advice.

  • +1

    Hey mate, i'm a investment consultant myself, here my thought
    At 800k, which is very high, i suggest Burwood or Campsie, even Parramatta, Epping. Those area are doing very good in term of Capital Growth and Rental Return.
    And of course, property investing? It's about long-term, at 7-10 years or even longer
    Feel free to throw me any questions into my inbox

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