Can anyone tell me why the Pokemon Sun & Moon Collector's Edition's on EB Games are no longer on their site?

As the title states, was looking at getting a Pokemon Sun Collector's Edition to go along with my Pokemon Moon pre-order - but they seem to have disappeared off site? Anyone have any ideas?

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia


  • Maybe they sold out?

    • Yea, maybe that's what it is.. Just sucks because I want the exact version I have but then Sun :,) And don't think anyone else in AUS sells it :( Ozgameshop has the 'fan edition' but it doesn't have the pin or the map with it.

      • I could be wrong (which wouldn't be surprising :p) but I think the fan edition (with the steel book) is basically the special edition. The extras (pin and map) was part of an EB Games exclusive, which I'm assuming was added to make more people go for the collectors edition.

        I'm guessing since its passed the release date by a bit they assumed most stores wouldn't have any left so removed it from site. If you really wanted it though I would still check out an EB games store (IRL) or two (maybe call them is easier) just ask them if they have any in stock. I assume they removed it off the website when some stores /may/ still have some sitting around in back? Hopefully.

  • Sold out. At least, my EB did, and it's been de-listed from the site. Sometimes a customer won't pick up their order or there's a return and you'll see one back on the shelf. I got my WoW Vanilla: CE and a couple of other things that way.

  • Because it's past the release date of the games, and collector's editions rarely survive much further than that.

    You can call around a few stores or your only other option are price hiked eBay sellers (of which I am keen to get rid of my Sun edition myself.)

  • They have sold out of the Fan Edition (atleast in their warehouse). If you're interested, just go into an EB store in your area and try and snag one. I'm sure they will have spare pins & posters too as they are usually allocated an excess which they then provide to customers purchasing the game days after.


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