DDR3 Ram 4x 16GB Prices

sigh bulit a new system not to long ago and saw a kit like the one in the title (4X16gb) but DDR4 for just a bit over 200 somthing USD and when i went over the system ( bulit 2014 IIRC) i found it was just DDR3 ram, currntly 3 sticks totaling 12gb

and looking at alot of places it works out to be alot more for the same amount of DDR3 ram ( diffrent specs)

long shot but wondering what the cheapest 4x16gb DDR3 or 1x16gb DDR3 will run me - looking at new egg and amazon quite a bit more than i had hoped atm probbly not going to bulid a new system till M.2 takes off and by that point il probbly be looking at a new card and probbly DDR5 possbily down the track if i leave it that long lol

currently running with an i7 4770k and a 1080


  • +1

    I'm looking for some myself… back when they were still being made, i think 16GB = to about $100 give or take… obviously more for the "higher end" RAM.

  • i might even end up having to settle for 4x8 sticks if i cant find anything - sigh 2nd hand , think i saw some not quite high end stuff selling for 82USD on amazon or somwere else 1x16gb

  • settled on 4x8gb , they are only sold in 2x16gb outside of sever side and mac related stuff and cost an arm and a leg

    will be buliding a new system when alot of the new plug types bcome a standerd.

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