Raspberry Pi 3 - Kodi Issues

Hey all,

Recently purchased a Raspberry Pi 3 as a media server for Kodi. Running into a bit of problems when I try and stream TV shows through Exodus, when I click on the show it just shows 'working' and after a few seconds disappear. Movies seem to work fine, it'll let me go and select the stream source and start playing.

Hoping someone could assist with this. Possibly need a VPN to stream these shows?


  • Are you using osmc, openelec or raspbian?

    • Sorry forgot to mention in OP. I am running openelec.

      • Hmm.. Seems like I am having issues with Exodus too. I just use another app called Stream All The Sources instead. That still works.

        • Will give it a try tomorrow. Is it similar to Exodus?

        • @Obey: very similar except it has a lot more sources and times out before it is able to go through all of them which can be annoying. Thats why I dont use it as much. If it doesnt find any sources, try searching on the same episode a few times.

  • +1

    I have been having the same problem except I'm on an Android box. I think the version 2.2 has issues. Better wait for a newer version for the fix

    • Thanks for your reply. Looks like it's not only me. Will wait for the fix as suggested.

  • I hope they release an update soon. I've tried other add-on's as well but no luck. Similar results

    • Looks like it's working for me now. Can stream TV shows no problem.

  • +1

    Yup. Back to normal. Tried it last night. Worked like a charm

  • How does this work on a Pi? I find it to be a bit laggy compared to running this on my PC

  • great bump of an old thread rxjb.. libreelec kodi runs fine on a PI3, however it does not support hardware decoding of h.265 or 4k (does 1080p) and i think netflix is limited to 720p.

    Check out this forum which might help.

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