What jobs am I qualified for with my Arts degree with communication major and minors?

I've only got 3 first year units left to complete finish off my degree and graduate next year, so I'm pretty much done with uni. I kept it broad and majored in communication studies, minoring in professional communication and digital media. I just don't know what jobs or careers this qualifies me for.


        • @ggkfc: Rubbish! Loads of former politicians etc. Join DFAT out of uni and do their grad program. Either that or join up with one of the young political organisations, Get Up for the left or young libs for the right then try to get a job as a political staffer. Work your wa from there into a diplomatic job. Third option is the military. I knew guys I did Army officer training with that came from humble backgrounds that ended up as senior officers in Military positions in foreign embassies etc.

  • Teaching bruv

  • Only Arts Grads I have met are currently working as teachers or currently studying a phd.

    Perhaps you could look at doing a dip ed and being a teacher?

    Alternatively speak to fellow students/lecturers for ideas..

  • OP: I think a lot of people have missed a critical point here. You stated that you need to do an Arts degree so you could "finish on time". Seriously, take the time to get whatever education you need to get a job you actually want to work in. Getting out of uni at 21 or 22 isn't he goal to winning life, finding out what you really want to do as a career and working towards ticking the boxes to get you a start in that industry is what your 20s should be all about (particularly if you are still "finding yourself"). I'd recommend extending your degree if possible, if that gets you back towards what you want to do than go for it. I think you'd rather be 22-25 and have a degree in something that you want, then be 21/22 finished a degree and not be in a career you want because you might end up bouncing around in dead end jobs for 1, 2 or 10 years before you realize what you don't want to wake up to: "I need to go back to uni and do the hard yards in study for what I really want to do".

    But hey, maybe you just want to do a trade or something, so if that is the case, get out of uni and into an apprenticeship or something.

  • +1

    Your question
    What job am I qualified for"?

    You should ask
    Where can I add value?

  • Could definitely apply for a media assistant role in an advertising (media agency)

  • With an arts degree, no doubt you'll become a manager of something you know nothing about.

  • +2

    Arts… Oh man

  • I have 2 head hunters currently looking for Business Intelligence developers for a startup company I own. I could not care less what degrees they have just the ability to get a security clearance and some experience working with the bi tools we are using. A degree would be nice, maybe in somethingg it related but not necessary if the person is any good as they will be learning from our existing team. Degree is useful but experience is more important

    • startup


      • Sorry, don't understand the joke.

  • Judging by various linked in profiles you could be qualified as a entry level investment banking analyst or night filler at Coles.

  • Don't worry, as a fully qualified bullshit artist you'll go far.

  • Had a look on seek:

    • Graduate - Sales & Marketing Support
    • Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Consultant
    • Communications Officer

    Base wage at around 45k pa or so.

    Eventually perhaps a communication/marketing manager role.
    I've seen a vacancy for an Internal Communications Advisor/Manager however unless you have relevant experience would think you're still too junior for the role.

    Good luck!

  • +2

    To op- there are many positions available to those with genaralist degrees. My undergrad was in sociology and I ended up working in financial services.

    As someone who now owns their own company and hires junior staff, I love hiring people with arts/pol science degrees. They havr a level of creativity and natural ability to build rapport with customers that many commerce grads lack.

    Keep your chin up and think outside the square.

    • Could not agree more. The ability to develop a connection with other workers and clients is extremely important, in many cases more important than any technical skills. Obviously not for a surgeon or airline pilot but for many jobs I would prefer the guy that brings the team together or keeps the clients happy bringing in job extensions rather than someone with better tech credentials but less ability to connect with others.

  • -1

    Arts degree…? Sorry, but ya dun goofed OP.

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