Bargaining at gym

Just realised - for someone who spends so long on a bargaining website, I'm actually quite terrible at bargaining! So I went to the gym to put my membership on hold (I've decided to take a little bit of a break). I pay fortnightly and it's been 3 days since I last did a direct debit (so I'm giving them 1.5 weeks notice). Now the gym contract clearly states I have to give 2 weeks notice before payment stops. So I was told that I will be paying for the next 3.5 weeks.

Under this scenario, how would you guys bargain your way out of it? Is it even reasonable to bargain your way out it? I'm not butthurt that I have to pay another $30, no big deal but just keen to hear some tactful ways of dealing with this.


  • Try telling them that you may consider transferring to another gym then if that's the case?

    • -1

      This sounds ok but I think it comes off a little extreme…changing gyms just because you have to give 2 weeks notice. They'll probably see right through it and just politely say "go ahead", while knowing in the back of their mind that noone would make such a move.

  • Are you sure its 2 weeks notice or 2 payments notice?

    Most gyms these days have 2 payments so you end up paying for another month.

    • Yes 2 weeks, as per contract. But it makes no sense in this day and age. It takes about a second for it to be updated on the computer system. Don't understand why they would need 2 weeks notice…

      • my old gym was 30 days notice… :(

      • What gym if you mind me asking?

        A chain one?

        • It's a fairly big chain and has the word "Fitness" in it.

        • +3

          @brainactive: is "fitness" the second word or is it "first" ?

        • @altomic: It's not the one with exorbitant prices haha

        • @brainactive: Did you join for the sexy backpack?

      • Of course it makes sense, to them, cause it makes them more money.

  • +1

    is there an auto payment that you can block from your end?

    • Possibly, but they won't just forget about it. At best, I'll be able to delay payment until my membership gets put off hold.

  • +5

    I would think:
    Option 1 - Suck it (the cost) up like the tummy.

    Option 2 - Don't think of any excuses. Make the most out of the 3.5 weeks membership and transform myself.

    Option 3 - "my back was injuried while using the equipment, my physio told me to have a rest."

    • +1

      You make me proud, you tightarsse!!

  • Appreciate all the comments so far, especially given its such a petty issue to start a post about. However, I think most of the responses so far are missing the crux - the only thing I intended to discuss was talking my way out of it and how I can do this effectively.

    • Yeah I went off track with thinking you were wanting to cancel the membership.

      I can't see anywhere in their contract that references two weeks in regards to putting memberships on hold.
      They don't have any mention of times from when you decide to put it on hold.

    • ie option 3. medical reason due to injury use of equipment or attending class. They will let you stop effectively.

      • Stopping is not the issue, the gym i go to allows me to put membership on hold as long as i give 2 weeks notice. However, I don't have the luxury of 2 weeks notice. I do have 1.5 weeks notice though and they are making me pay an extra fortnight. That's the main issue.

  • +1

    Make outrageous bluffs, and then if they don't work just pretend they knew you were exaggerating. Turns out thats the key to a lot of things, pressing on until you go too far, then backtracking. Works really well if you don't have any pride!

  • +6


  • One of the gyms I went to also had dodgy policies. Said I had to give them 1 month notice to quit. I had already signed up to another gym as it was their last day to join with no fees. Blatant money grabbing. Also would make me pay half the weekly fees instead of putting payment on hold if I wanted to pause my membership for a few weeks when I wanted to go on a holiday. Never going back to that garbage (Vibe gym).

  • +1

    Wow I remember paying crazy prices too for these crazy things.. well not me my grandparents no idea why when you can get enough exercises in a day from doing daily normal chores and other things. Gyms to me have always been like going to a club.. too expensive and too unnecessary only use it to hang out with friends as a social activity or family bonding sparingly

  • +2

    This is exactly why I detest direct debit arrangements. Gyms seem to be notorious for this sort of behaviour … basically the customer is leaving anyway so let's get one last rip in before they go.

  • +1

    Are you with Fitness First? If yes, then you don't need to give any notice in advance. Just login their website,…
    Go to the "Memebership Freeze" page and then choose "Freeze start date" (starts from your next payment date) and "Restart membership date". All DIY and very easy. Don't need to talk to any gym staffs at all.

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