Need a Laugh? Read This

i found this "article" about annual leave on…

when i got to this line i nearly fell off my chair “There will be plenty of travel deals around Boxing Day and in January, so think about how you can maximize your precious annual leave days to have a solid break.”

WHAT?? it's the middle of peak season!! just for a laugh i checked virgin flights on boxing day from sydney to melbourne normally an economy flight is $100-120 the cheapest i could find was $200 and most were closer to $300 and that's just flights god knows what the markup would be on accommodation


  • One year I travelled on Christmas day and the departure lounge was crowded as normal. Probably people who couldn't get away sooner and if they were smart, had booked much in advance.

    I lost respect for newspaper travel writers after I read an article many years ago that claimed that it is warmer in summer because the earth is closer to the sun that time of the year. Maybe a work experience student who failed geography.

    • I thought this was true if looking at the distance between the sun and the location of the observer?

      • Google "why are there seasons?"

  • +2

    adds on TV for ACA (or whatever it's called) stating "how to get the best deals this boxing day" and the "experts" saying "save up to 50%" , f&%king amateur hour.

  • It's an advertisement by the travel industry which you are reading because you believe it isn't advertising. Are you going to stop reading the garbage or continue to pretend you're well informed because you read it?

  • This is an example of what qualifies as "news" after all the good journalists leave and those that remain are left staring at a Calendar pondering how to max out their leave.

    If I do this and take that Thursday off as well, I get an extra day on the company.

  • +1

    I find to be the worst for clickbait titles. Their reporting is rubbish.

    • i have tried and they are all as bad as each other they just lean left or right depending on the owner's political views

  • Paid sponsorship in exchange for printing a "News" article.
    Real cheap for the writer who gets to holiday for free.

    Dng: Love that Air BnB under "Queensland" photo. Could arrive in my gyroscope.

  • +1

    That site has articles I could write myself and nearly every article always has multiple spelling or grammatical errors. Many of the articles are just paid adverts masquerading as "news".

    • Yes this article has a dubious link to

  • That's your typical ad click baits for normal people.. you are here so at least you are a cut above or one step from the normal people's.. if you wanna get higher talk to gill bates haha lul

  • Landing on Christmas Day from the US. Not looking forward to it. I can imagine 1 person working immigration / customs and several hundred people waiting.

  • It's not incorrect. There are "deals" at that time. They just didn't clarify that they are bad deals.

    Well, actually I guess there are plenty of good deals then… excellent deals for the travel companies that can charge more than double normal rates.

  • The real journalists are turning in their graves or are glad they are on the way out. How young people can/need to study a degree in journalism to regurgitate press releases or other's marketing pap and pretend it's newsworthy content is anyone's guess. The sad part is the current generation haven't had exposure to much else so they think that this is the standard to aim for!

    The author of the piece, Kirrily Schwarz, won the 2014 Jacoby-Walkley Scholarship.…

    Read in context of her article. Hmm…

    "Judge Darren Wick (Director of News and Current Affairs, Nine Network) lauded Kirrily for her "intelligence and a curiosity that impels her to ask questions beyond the obvious".

    "She's not satisfied with knowing what happened," Mr Wick said.

    "She needs to find out why something happened, is it still happening and what forces are at play that could determine whether it happens again. She is a natural investigator.""

    So I guess it must be true! ;-)

  • +1

    I think the article meant that there might be Boxing Day sales where you can get deals for booking travel for the next 12 months.

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