Is this a breach of any kind?

If I was to start a business and use the name Xbox as part of my business' name, would that be in breach of anything? Copyright, trademark, intellectual property rights?


  • It might be a breach, don't think it would be a breech though ;)

  • i hear apple has sent cease and desist letters to people with ipad domains

  • +1

    I think maybe ask yourself can i afford to pay court costs if they(MS) decide it is , ie wether it is or not if their legal team beleives it is then you have to go to court , get legal advice etc . Me i would do that first (the legal advice part).

    • oh good point Mikinoz

      People get around it by using names that imply the xbox, i.e.

      The other way is to legally change your name to xbox.

      • LOL haha Mr Xbox

      • That being said, in rosebud or sorrento , VIC (IIRC) there was a man who opened a hamburger shop with the surname MACDONALD.
        He called it MACDONALDS BURGERS and Mcdonalds took him out.

        So I don't think you can get away with just cos it's your name.

    • Court? Well that's out of the case then, can't afford a legal battle the margin return on the product(s) would be minimal, maybe turning 5k a year tops. It's just a small venture to make cash while doing nothing.
      Looks like I'm gonna have to think of a new name instead of AusXboxGamer
      Maybe AussiePointsDealer, or The Points Man.

      • I like the points man!

      • What are you selling? Perhaps we can help you with a name.

        • Planing on selling Xbox Live Points

      • discount ozbargainers :p

        • I'm willing to do $24.50 for 1500 points and $47.50 for 3000 points. And paypal is the only form of payment accepted atm.

          Made a post about it in the selling section a few days back.


    I find the easiest way is to go on godaddy and throw in a few words, then on the RHS it comes up with similar store combinations

  • I'd be pretty sure that you can't use xbox in your business name period.

    Just have a look at the ASIC company register…

    Type xbox in organisation name, choose All names and press enter.

    Seriously, all of the entries like "xbox repairs" show a status of deregistered or removed or whatever.

    And don't forget the debacle with Google Australia suing Groggle before they even got off the ground.

  • This from;
    "TRADEMARKS. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, the Xbox logos, the Xbox 360 logos, Xbox Live logos and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation."

    Microsoft or Xbox are off limits but 360 and Live are generally fair game. ;)

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