Cloning Windows 10 Laptop to New SSD

Hey Guys,

So Im doing some work for a friend and she wants an SSD installed to her old laptop to replace her current HDD. Im purchasing an SSD and a docking station to do the transfers through USB.
Does anyone know any freeware programs that clone windows from one drive to another that keep all documents and programs?
I want to have this completed as quick as possible without having to update drivers/reinstall programs etc etc.
I know there are a few free programs out there but they don't seem to not include the backing up of programs.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • clonezilla livecd

    if you bought a samsung pro disk there is a free program from samsung

  • From previous experience, most of the free tools require you to purchase the pro version to clone the disk.

    All the best!

  • I've used EaseUS partition manage as well as Amoei Partition Assistant to clone SSDs in the past both from HDDs and other SSDs, I would recommend either.

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