Driver Didn't Give Way at Pedestrian Crossing and Driving-Texting, Should I Report to Police?

Hi ozbargainers,

I was in a scary situation this afternoon. A young lady driving a fancy BMW X6 didn't give way to me at pedestrian crossing as she was busy driving-texting, kept her head down and of courses didn't even look for surroundings. Luckily, I was careful by checking her from a long distance and realised she didn't pay attention so I stopped. I could have been killed as it's a SUV and travelling at decent speed.

So my question is there any way that I can stop this from happeing again for other people, at least, the driver knows she was wrong and she is aware about her dangerous driving behaviour. I got a picture of her car with clear plate. Should I report to police? Will they take any action as I dont have any footage except the picture.



  • +6

    You could report it to police but I doubt they could/would do anything. Best thing is to make an online report to crime stoppers. At least then if she has an accident in future there is a history of her texting while driving and it could go against her.

    • Great idea, I got her plate so did report to police, just want to make sure it does not happen again with people. Thanks again for your idea mate!

  • +1

    Don't think you can stop it and not sure what the police will do with the information. There are bad drivers everywhere.

    Always look twice before entering/crossing any road and always confirm that the driver can see you before safely crossing a pedestrian crossing.

    • Yeah, very true, luckily that I kept my eyes on her so I stopped but such a driving style is unforgivable.

  • +1

    A driver ran a red light after I had taken a step onto the road to cross and all other lanes were stopped. If I had taken a couple more steps, would have been hit. I sprinted after him to the next lights and got the plate, called the cops and they couldn't do anything as I had no witnesses.

    Save yourself the time.

    • Really sad that the police didn't do anything, so I think better be in defensive mode all the time.

  • +4

    There are careless moments from drivers or pedestrians for whatever reason all the time.
    Accidents do happen. Make sure you do what you can to stay safe.

    An Alfa was driving silly and cut me off when there are not even many cars this evening. I can choose to be annoyed or let it be, I chose the later. That car flew past and did the same to the other cars in the front as well. Few minutes afterwards, saw police car's light in the front. An unmarked black commodore had pulled that Alfa over. Saw the cop showing the driver with the speed gun's reading,

  • +2

    should have hocked a loogie

    • LOL, I bet she wouldn't pay attention as her phone drew all her attention, dammmmm.

  • +1

    Had this happen to me in Perth CBD. A bunch of us started crossing the road when this black SUV comes barreling down the road, so preemptively we stopped. Driver looked up from her phone and slammed the brakes, front wheels just over the white line and then WENT BACK TO LOOKING DOWN AT HER PHONE. Was so close to kicking her car, but in hindsight should have taken a video instead as there were multiple witnesses.

    • What an awful driver, I guess mine was nothing near your situation.

  • Funny how there is a Report A Tosser campaign but there isn't anything for dangerous driving.

  • Not much you can do from a pedestrian standpoint unless there is traffic up ahead or your carrying eggs. You could make a report here though

    Won't do much in the short term, but if everyone did it the bad drivers would soon reveal themselves

  • +1

    Please report it. Don't expect any action though. The more these types of incidents get reported the more will be expected to be done with them. If you really want to get the person a fine you'll need solid evidence and persistence with the police. There are quite a few examples of drivers being fined for passing cyclists closer than 1m, but they have required good video evidence and a fair bit of work to chase it up when the initial police officer decides that 'no one was hurt, so it doesn't matter'.

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