Something Similar to LightPack for My Monitor

Hey all,

I was wanting to find something that is similar to the 'LightPack' that has a dynamic light behind a TV/Monitor

I was looking for one that changes depending on each side of the monitor, (unlike the, one colour for the whole monitor)

Has anyone else had any experience with this?



  • I'm not sure I understand what you are after. What does the light pack not do that you want it to do?

    • The main thing I didn't like is that it costs $230+ USD for their cheapest pack, I was hoping someone else had any other suggestions.

      I saw a few like DreamScreen and another LightPack off-brand thing although if anything goes wrong I would be needing to ship to and from USA.

      • +1

        I backed Lightpack in their kickstarter, so it's not something I've really looked into, but I think you can probably make your own reasonably easily with Arduino or Raspberry Pi.

        Lightpack was an all in one solution for idiots like me, so the price is higher.

        • I was thinking about getting a 'DreamScreen' as it seems reasonably priced for my TV (connected using HDMI to my PC) and for my gaming monitor I was thinking of making one with an Arduino.

          Have you found the lightpack to be pretty good?

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