Looking for a Mattress that Sleeps Cool

Looking to get a mattress that sleeps cool during the summer months (wife generates more heat that a wood stove).

Not interested in water beds or similar.

Any personal experience / advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • +3

    According to WP

    Spring pocket mattresses are best for sleeping cool
    and latex or foam is the worst.

    Any beds that have pillow-tops (that is, an extra layer on top that gives it more softness) also can trap heat, so you might want a normal mattress

    If you use any mattress protectors or toppers, be sure to check what materials there are.

    Cotton or wool = good for circulation
    Polyester filling = so-so circulation
    memory foam = bad
    Latex = very bad and traps heat

    • Thanks scrimshaw, very helpful as always.

  • +5

    You would get heaps of responses if you just said:
    "Wife is hot in bed, need help" lol

  • Look for mattress with gel in the layers, this helps with the heat

  • +1

    Ah, I wish I had my old water bed now- nothing else compares for being cool in summer and warm in winter.

    Mattresses and Sleeping Hot / Heat Retention

    Unbiased Comparison, Analysis Based on 22,584 Owner Experiences


    • Water beds I assume would act like a heatsink for your body (think water cooling on a processor), as water is a far better conductor of heat than air.

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