Lillebaby carriers

Can anyone share their thoughts on the lillebaby (in particular, the complete all seasons or airflow)?

Also where is the cheapest you've found it?

Edit: took out the ergobaby question - I'm leaning towards the lillebaby as I've heard it has much better back support than ergo.


  • Have you used a baby carrier like this before?

    We have 3 kids and used ours about twice.

    A very common mistake with new parents is to spend serious cash on things most parents don't actually end up using (or use once or twice before baby grows out of it or parent realises it's no use to them).

    (That's without even getting into how the baby accessory business has exploded with crazily-overpriced status-symbol products in recent years, like the wedding business. Nobody earning under a million a year or currently walking less than 5 miles a day should ever be considering a pram that costs over 500 dollars, for example).

  • Ergo is great. I have taken my little girl bush walking in it from birth. It's comfy for me and her and has great support. She still loves sleeping in it.

    Contrary to the post above… I use mine everyday.

  • Ergo is the one you want if you want to protect your child against hip dysplasia.

    Have been using an Ergo for the last two years with my young one, reliable and comfortable. My son would often fall to sleep in it, we have found it very useful especially if you use public transport a lot. The child will also enjoy the closeness it provides and is great for settling them when they are having a moment.

    Sometimes taking the pram out is not convenient.

    • Did you compare it to the lillebaby?
      I thought that was shaped with bottom below knees to protect from hip dysplasia too?

      • Honestly I haven't looked at lillebaby design, my comment is from experience that Ergobaby is a trusted brand.

        My understanding is that the thighs need to be supported and not hang to be considered safe.

        Edit: Just had a look and they look the same as Ergo in terms of support. Why don't you try both models on in a store? Whats the padding like on the lillebaby? Ergo are very comfortable.

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