Bug-a-salt fly salt gun- Real vs Bootleg

These bugasalt guns look awesome
Looks to be $100+ to get one to Australia https://bugasalt.com/
Has anyone tried the $35 knock off ebay ones? How did they go? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Salt-Gun-for-Flies-Bees-Stink-Bug…



  • Seems to be a $2 difference not including shipping?

    • What do you mean $20 difference?
      The bugasalt branded ones are about $55aud not including postage to Australia because they don't offer it.
      The on sold ones from Ebay etc are $100+ as I said

      • Right, I assumed it was in AUD.

  • I would guess they are from the same factory…

    • I doubt they are from the same factory seeing as the bugasalt was initially funded on indiegogo by a team of people, and a fair few markings are different
      Maybe though

      • +1

        They look identical. Stuff is sold under different brands all the time. No idea why you think Indiegogo has anything to do with it.

  • -3

    Why not just use super-soaker? or another water sprayer (just add salt).

    • +3

      Why would you soak the inside of your house?

      • thoughts on the electric fly swatters?

        • They're brutal. If the fly gets stuck in there they start melting and smoking.
          Very effective though.

  • I've been told they break easily and don't have much durability as the plastic is cheap and made of the same stuff as children's toys. Then again, it could be the knock-offs that actually have the durability issue.

    • That wouldn't surprise me
      Sound reasoning

      The Amazon reviews have 4.5/5 from 1700 reviews which isn't anything to sneeze at

      Could just take care of it haha

      • -1

        Amazon reviews are hopeless gamed so they're worthless.

  • +3

    I never understood this concept..yes you can shoot flies but then you will just have salt all over the place.. in the kitchen I guess it's fine and designated dining room if you have or but otherwise especially if you have carpet .. why..

    • As far as I'm aware it's just a pinch of salt per shot which isn't alot, but you're not wrong

    • I mean it cant be worse than dust collecting, or the chemicals in sprays etc.

      • +1

        I dunno even when I drop a bread crumb my "erhmagerd I have ocd" ocd kicks in.. I know I am being pedantic but I guess they could have used something else that might like dissolve or separately evaporate so that I am not lightly seasoning my house while hunting flies.

        But yeah your right I probably don't realise the tiny amounts of dust or spray molecules around the house.

        • I have a slight case of OCD as well, but for me Salt would be far far more acceptable than water that has to be cleaned up after or chemical sprays that could get on surfaces that would get in contact with food.

          My opinion is, salt is food safe and dry and vacuums up perfectly well… if I used a wet rag and wiped it down, it wouldn't leave a sticky mess either..

        • @tebbybabes: hah I'm the opposite when it comes to water..dint mind it anywhere but sugar salt or any other food debris is a no no

  • +2

    I just think the product should be called "Salt-a-bug". Makes more sense.

    • +3

      Think it's a play on words for 'assault' :)

    • thought the same thing!

  • The original bugasalt(which I backed) was poorly made. Outnof 4 that i bought 2 werent strong enough to knock off flies.

    Version 2 was much better and they all worked.

    Buying on ebay is pot luck. As is happening all the time now some knockoffs are poor copies and likely have poor firing. If you are lucky you'll get a knockoff from the same factory that works just as well as 2.0. But unfortunately there is no way to tell that.

    I think the originals are great and remember the salt particles are huge, if you vacuum you house you'll clean it all up anyway. Better than spraying chemicals in your house.

    • I'm thinking all the unlabelled ones on ebay are knock off's of the bugasalt 1,and not the 2.0
      From reviews it looks like you'd really want the 2.0

  • Salt gun's on special here at $27.98 + shipping, not sure how good it is but just bought one. http://www.ozstock.com.au/19383

    • $8 postage to qld makes it $37
      Good looking out though

  • +1

    $63 posted for a bugasalt 2.0 https://nestofdesign.com.au/products/yellow-bug-a-salt-2-0-p…

    I'd post it as a deal but I'd get blasted because of the cheaper ebay knock offs

    The 2.0 shoots a more powerful shot with less salt

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