Advise on How Track a Stolen Car

Hi guys,

Really want some/any advise on how to nab a bunch of crooks! A close relative got robbed yesterday.

They broke into the house via the garage door (no forced entry) somehow and then opened the inner door and found the keys to the two cars and drove away with it. This was while the family was in the house sleeping!! It happened sometime after 1 AM.

The cars were a Volkswagen Jetta and a Nissan Xtrail.

Do you guys have any advise on how to catch these A-holes? Obviously this has been reported to the authorities already

closed Comments

  • +2

    This was while the family was in the house sleeping!!

    That's some jason bourne shit.

  • +3

    Report to the police and allow them to follow it up. You have next to no chance of tracking them down in reality.

  • A bit late now but if you were quite worried that a car will get stolen you could put a gps tracking device on it.

    • They were never worried about being robbed till this happened..

      • Most of us think that way… until something happens to us…

  • Why would you want to track it down?lodge an insurance claim. They did have insurance right?

  • +3


    • The new ozbargain answer to everything

      • +4


        • Altomic has said it in every thread since 2010!

    • +1

      Yeah, bikies did it.

  • +1

    Nothing really you can do but post it on stolen car Facebook groups / check to see if neighbors have cctv

  • Thanks guys.. Guess there is nothing more we can do then.

  • +1

    You're being reactive - better to be proactive so it doesn't happen again..

  • Understand the sentiment because a similar thing has happened to me, but at the end of the day what can you do about it?

    If they're shaken up and worried about it happening again maybe install some preventative measures - motion activated lights, CCTV, that kind of thing.

  • Stop and think for a second - right now, it seems you're really angry (and you've got every right to) and you're sure that you'll want to confront them. Sadly, the reality here is, unless you've actually got a great plan on how to deal with them after you find them (when I say "deal with them", I mean, DEAL with them), you're going to be wasting your time searching.

    The law isn't rarely on the "good guy's" side and the courts don't seem to like people who take the law into their own hands.

    Since you've already reported it to the authorities (which, I'm sure it's not on their highest priority), the next best thing would be to focus on how to prevent the same situation happening again.

  • k, this probably is a noob question

    How do i close a this thread?

    • +2

      Write profanities and post referral links until neil shows up.

  • Go back in time and install a GPS tracker. Oh wait.

    In all seriousness, the thieves will eventually ditch the cars.

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