Finance Work Experience

How do you find work experience? I did Finance degree…and have been trying hard to find a job..but no luck…any idea how I can get work experience?


  • Selling credit cards for the banks. Usually there is a very minimum base wage and mostly commission. You get to learn sales, credit analysis, understand the banking process and pick up some customer relationship skills. It is hard work and no different from a retail sales job.

    • Thank you for taking time to help with my query. I really don't want do any client facing roles.

      • What do you want to do?
        I'm assuming nothing interacting with customers?
        This makes it much harder unless you have a high achieving stand-out resume. most big institutions prefer to hire from within. Most candidates attain an entry level role, and after 6-12months progress onto an entry level specialist role.

      • Your reply implies that you have to as it appears to be your weakness and dealing with external clients is no different to dealing with internal clients and other stakeholders which you absolutely must learn to do if you want any sort of decent job especially in finance where you will be dealing with a lot of people.

        I can tell you right now, any job that does not involve client interaction is on the outsourcing chopping block e.g. code monkeys and any type of internal financial reporting.

        The only OFFICE jobs safe in Australia are the ones where you have to use your brain in conjunction with your mouth (to talk).

        Of course you can be a tradie, use zero brain capacity, make 100k+, knock off at 3pm and go to the pub which is what I wish it did with my life instead.

      • Sorry for the late reply. But just my two cents. Selling banking products was my first job. It forced me to be comfortable starting a conversation with a stranger, manage relationships (internal and external stakeholders) and be someone whom my department can trust. I think it really shaped me up for the interactions in the later stage of my finance career than my analytical skills, in order to climb up the corporate ladder. You can be a genius but if no one likes you, it will be a problem. Once you step into the world of finance, it is a very confrontational industry and it is tough. So better have some PR skills to get everyone on your side.

        Just a brief background of my finance career. I have worked for a global bank, an American finance MNC and a top investment consulting firm. There is no way to escape facing clients if you want to move up the ladder. All the best mate.

  • +2

    be acting CFO for your relative's take away business

    • Sounds good….

  • What have you done so far in your search? Applied for grad roles? Uni careers help?

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