Received Unsolicited Letter from Latitude Finance

Ok so my wife received a letter from latitude finance, and within the letter it said they got her details from Veda. Now I'm aware that Veda does sell this information on to these finance companies, but this is after you request your credit score from Veda. I asked my wife and she says she never asked for for her credit score and doesn't use Veda in anyway.

Does Veda sell people's information even when you haven't requested for a credit score?

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Latitude Financial
Latitude Financial


  • +1

    Does Veda sell people's information even when you haven't requested for a credit score?

    have you asked them?

    • +2

      That's a bit like asking if your el cheapo ISP skimps on capacity, or if your local cash only restaurant cheats tax.

  • Short answer, Yes they do. I work for a Super Company. We use VEDA occasionally to find lost members.

  • Is there another way of obtaining the Veda report or at least the details Veda has on you without providing them with a lot more of your personal information (driver licence number, Medicare number, mobile number, current and 2 previous addresses, employment details, etc)?

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