iPhone 6plus Replacement Screen

Fellow OzBargainers,!

I have sad news - dropped my iPhone 6plus and the screen shattered.

Am in Sydney - any recommendations regarding screen replacements?

Apple will be too expensive I would say.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Apple shop is normally the same price if not cheaper as kiosks in the shops and then you don't (profanity) with your warranty

    • Haha it changes it to profanity if you swear, I didn't know it did that

      • That is first for me too - must be Scotty.

        Thanks for that

        • +1

          yep, auto change. but doesn't happen in some forums.

          (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity) (profanity)

          pretty much all the good words

        • +1

          @altomic: Aw Sh!t, Something went wrong …

        • (profanity)

  • +1

    possible solution:

    buy an icloud locked 6plus off ebay.

    transplant screen

    sell icloud /smashed iphone on ebay for minor (profanity) loss

  • +1

    Apple's service price is not too bad if it is screen only..


    For peace of mind I'd highly recommend you do it through Apple using genuine parts. My friend got her phone fixed with non-genuine and the display started having display issues after a few weeks.

    • +1

      Thanks - ended up at the apple shop. $209 and 4 hours later the phone has a new screen.

      • +1

        You made the right choice. Now go get yourself a glass protector and/or case =)

        • I had the glass protector with a spigen case - the phone fell out of pocket onto a tiled floor; less than a metre onto its back and it was the impact vibrating through that shattered the glass I guess.

          The spigen case is spruiked as '48" drop height ' certified protection - phone fell from less than 3/4 that height.

        • @Islund:

          :( unlucky

  • :-((

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