How to Help Myself ?

can any one tell me

What are powerful Yoga Asanas that will help me to lose my weight?


  • -6

    maybe you should improve your english first.
    girls like conversations.

    • +3


      I'm trying?

      can you suggest any book or tips for improving my conversion?

  • +5

    Just follow your own method

    • I'm not able to do because of my office timing.morning 7 am to evening 8 pm with travelling time.

      I search on yoga poses on google and I'm doing research on them what are the best for weight loss. if you have any suggestions then tell me or tell me which exercise is help full for reducing belly fat in less time

      • Have you tried the mouth lock pose?

  • +1

    "Spot reduction" a.k.a losing fat from a specific part of the body is a myth, you can't just do yoga poses to lose belly fat. Lower caloric intake than your caloric expenditure will result in weight loss and after you reduce your body mass enough some of that will come from your stomach.

  • +1

    Although yoga has many benefits I don't think it will reduce belly fat.

    What will work is reducing sugar (including fruit juice), refined carbohydrates (such as white flour products, pastries, cakes) and alcohol because these specifically cause a layer around the belly.

    Your aim should be replacing these with high protein and high non-saturated fat products which will mean you will not feel hungry so it will be much easier.


    Breakfast: cereal -> eggs + bacon

    Lunch: sandwich/burger+chips -> avocado + chocolate icecream

    Snack: Fruit Juice -> Protein milkshake

    You will notice after eating high non-saturated fat and protein foods that you will consume less because your appetite is satisfied. Carbohydrates do not satisfy hunger as fast (causing overeating because you don't feel full) or as long (causing more overeating because you want more carbohydrate - which you should replace with protein/fat).

  • Try asanas which affect thyroid and reduce stress? This with a healthy diet will have you glowing in no time!

    • I tried that, but I still can't see in the dark.

  • Eat less.

    Lose weight.

    Mind blown.

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