Medibank Fee Paid in One Lump Sum but Now Seems Odd

Thanx to the advice from this great community, Hubby went and saw Medibank early Mar-2017. Came home with a print-out of premium to pay of $4.7k. It states to pay before 1-Apr-2017… This is placed amongst his debris of paperwork, awaiting action/filing…

On 17-Mar-2017, Medibank emailed him abt premium to pay for $5k plus, which he forwarded to me, which I paid on 29-Mar-2017. Note at this point I was not aware of the paperwork.

Today tidying up his desk, we found that $4.7k "bill" and was wondering what has happened……
Before we pick up the phone and ring Medibank or visit the store, can someone please share your thoughts?

Thanks heaps and your kindness will be cherished forever :-))

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  • Its probably the premium you should have paid on 1-apr-17 or after.. Only way you will be able to find out is call medibank. Your account will probably be in credit and you can probably refund the additional amount you paid, or just leave it on your account till next years bill

    • Thanx Rok! (funny why yr msg didnt come in earlier.
      Wise men/women think alike….

  • +2

    The obvious thing to do would be to look at both invoices to make sure they are for the same thing - that is, the same level of cover, same applicable periods, etc.

    The first bill that's $5K plus might have been issued earlier for if the premium payment was made after 1 April.

    How was the $5K+ premium paid? Are the BPay codes the same? Usually, it's the Biller Code, plus the customer number so if both are the same and the smaller premium is the later date (which is is), you may have an "Overpayment" sitting there.

    Then I would call up Medibank and ask about the difference. Given that the smaller price is the later one and you did pay before 1 April, I would be asking for a refund of the difference.

    • Thanx so much Bob! That is very reassuring and will call Medibank soon. Fingers crossed.
      Wishing you a great week ahead.

      • +1

        I should add one more thing - talk to your hubby next time haha.

        It would've been funny if both of you paid at the same time! well, not funny for you, but funny for us! :p

        • +1

          Hey I was looking for sympathy and empathy here….

          Glad I make someone laughed… :-))

  • +2

    Medibank IT systems are plaqued with issues. They are losing customers rapidly due to privatisation, customer complaints to the Ombudsman, claim issues, complaints, ACCC investigations, omitting and not making customers aware of any changes to policy inclusions … and the list goes on.………

    I recently gave them the boot and changed to a non profit org …and are still waiting for a refund. It has now been 5 weeks and still waiting ….waiting .. waiting LOL

    • 5 weeks! Patience is a virtue :-)

      • You may quote a cliche however 5 weeks and ongoing just to simply obtain a refund is totally unacceptable!

        The question I would like to ask them and members like yourself.

        Q. If it takes this long to generate a simple refund and still pending then how efficient will they be if an unforeseen situation has occurred and you need to claim?

  • -1

    Hubby rang and summarizing it, was asked "would you like me to escalate this?"
    Said yes and response was "someone will SMS you and supply a contact for Case Manager in two days time"
    Fine, we'll wait.

    • +1

      I wish you the very best of luck in sorting this out. I hope you don't get caught in a perpetual loop like me ..
      You pay nearly 5 grand .. and they will get back to you in a couple of days .. maybe!!! LOL ….
      They will SMS you… LOL How nice! .. you are a valued customer ….. "You're call is important to us …." waiting …. waiting … waiting …

  • -1

    Just call/contact the store/business in question immediately next time. Don't need to wait for random forum users opinion, especially if you want fast and accurate answers. No one here knows the exact situation or your account details, thus may not give accurate answers specific to your problem. What if the majority of people said to just ignore it?

    • +1

      Agree however I can say that this double quoting from MBP is a common issue and should be sorted directly by them.

      As their new IT system integration is still in the dark ages, the computer generates 2 lots of premiums (and yes .. confirmed by them).

      One is the newer "more expensive" (pre April) quote and the other is cheaper as the system for some reason is generating quotes for last year. (Computer glitch)

      .. This happened to my Mums policy.

      Unfortunately, the OP will discover that will be thrashed another $300 and $5K will be payable.

      OP please confirm when they send you an …. SMS LOL


  • Happy Days: Got our money in the bank! Over $600 paid. So total bill $4.2k. Bargain!

    Thank you all for your attention. Remember, check and double-check, not just the provider, your spouse too :-)

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