Oldish Dell PC Won't Wake-up.

G'day All

Ok, I'm an illiterate when come to computers, and refuse to learn any computer language. (Hey I already speak five languages…)
My oldish Dell PC has been slow in waking-up. I have followed the Dell's video to unplug everything and down to basic, and it then works better.
However, whenever it went to sleep, I have great difficulty in waking it up.
Had tried pressing space bar, return key, moving the mouse, turn on/off monitor, nothing works.
So I had to hard-press the tower, wait 1 minute, and turn on again, and it would start from where I stopped. No reboot.
Wonder whether it's got to do with Windows 10 which I've done many months back?
Didnt have any new programme installed, most are just updates…..
This is frustrating really, hope someone can shed some light before I rush out to buy a new PC.
I already have McBook, iPad, Laptop but still prefer PC for certain things….



  • I have a i7 950 that does the same thing also running win10. Shits me to tears.

    Chews 200watts in idle so I don't want to leave it run all day, but its 50/50 if it will wake up.

  • +1

    Just go into the power settings and make it so the PC doesn't hibernate/sleep mode. That way it will stay awake the whole time it is on, and you just turn it off once you're finished using it. Best workaround for your problem.

  • Ah.. I'm reminded of the horrors I faced with my Dell laptop. And it may not be a Win10 issue because I had this problem even when I was using Win 8. Chucking away the Dell for a Macbook has been one of the best tech decisions I have personally made.

  • Could be a driver problem. What worked previously in an earlier OS probably broke in windows 10.

    Have you went to the Dell website and checked if they offer any new drivers that are now compatible with Windows 8/10?

    I know some pc's from Sandy Bridge era (2013) did get driver fixes from some manufacturers for Win10 support. My ASROCK Z68 motherboard vendor released a few patches all the way till 2015.

    Dell Optiplexes generally get better driver support since they're more expensive business machines but Inspirons are consumer grade… won't get the extended support.

    • Good thinking thanx. Will try this.

  • Sounds like you're having issues with the hard drive. I would suggest getting an SSD to replace it but you'll need to read up a bit if you're so new to it.

    • A computer not coming out of wake is a power management problem. Unlikely to be a HDD issue

      Disabling the hibernation feature in Windows 10 can help for older hardware that doesn't support the new sleep states introduced in Windows 10.

      Give that a try first

      • Ya, I have disabled sleep/hibernate altogether. So my PC now is either on or off, and people walking past will have the pleasure to read what's on my screen…. shock horror LOL!

        • So my PC now is either on or off, and people walking past will have the pleasure to read what's on my screen…. shock horror LOL!

          If privacy is a concern, you can lock your computer with 'Windows key + L' to prevent others from accessing/seeing your things while you're away from your desk.

        • Or also set a screensaver with a 10 minute with password lockout

        • @scrimshaw: But then I wont be able to wake it up :-(

        • @Pumpkin_rrr:

          Locking doesn't mean putting it to sleep.

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