MacBook Trying to Find a Free Version to Use Microsoft Excel

When I brought a PC laptop I got Excel basic but just got a macbook and can use it free on msn excel online and was trying to find out if there a offline version for free when I do not have internet access? If there an older version out there, please kindly shoot me a link and I can download it and see if it will work for me. Thank you


  • +2

    I am not aware of any free copies, but if you are a student or have a sibling/friend who is kind enough to provide you with their uni login, you can get it for free here.…

    worked on my mac last week, used siblings qld uni ID

  • How badly do you need all the features?
    I just use the google drive version if that helps.

    • Got it all sorted now, cheers for you input :)

  • +1

    Libre office is great. Not as pretty but it does the job, usually better and quicker than Excel on my Mac.

  • theres stores on OzB that sell it cheap

  • +2

    Would recommend using Google Sheets rather than excel.

  • I've only got 1 files which I access every now and then, I know that both Google sheets and MSN Excel online will access it but sometimes I don't have internet access and its then when I do need it. I just have to use my data on my phone to access it, so I thought there might be a macbook version for 2011 or something for free, yes I don't mind purchasing a copy but just need excel not requiring anything else thank you

  • PM sent :)

  • +1

    Depends on how complicated your excel spreadsheets are. If they involve using visual basic, then you probably need Excel.

    If not, why not use Apple's Numbers program. That converts Excel and also exports to Excel should you wish to share with others

    Doownlaod for free at Apple…

  • +1

    Thanks everyone, sorted now, thanks for everyone comments appreciate the prompt replies :)

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