1500 Xbox Live Point Cards


Anyone know where to get 1500 Xbox Live Point Cards for around $20 each, willing to go up to buying 100 to get this price.
Anyone know any wholesalers/distributors/shops willing to do such a deal with no ABN.


  • Not much of a profit margin in it for you at that price mate, anyone can buy in store for $25

    • Doesn't matter. I can get a 15% magin on it so not too bad. Just something to gain higher intrest than term deposits on my 2k in my spare time.
      And it's about volume turn over not just price. I should be able to clear 100 in a month easily and at $3 proft a card that's $300 a month or $3.6k a year (a nice shiny computer for me :D) and much more intrest than any bank will offer.

  • Yeah I see your point, are you allowing for eBay and paypal fees with that or do you have other marketing plans?

    • Most of the sales is going through person to person, I used to be sorta like the go to guy for points at school and tutoring, with some sales on ebay, cleared out 100 in just over a month. Looking for a new way to source points as my old way doesn't work anymore. (well not for a steady supply anyway). If I sell on ebay I think the profit margin drops to about 10%.

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