Creating a basic app

Hey guys, I am looking for some advice on app builders / guides on creating what I think should be a very simple app, I have no experience in coding but am eager to learn.

All that I want the app to do is mirror a web blog and provide push notifications when a new blog has been posted.

If anyone has advice on how this can be done and how I can learn to do this, please let me know!


  • +1

    Look at Cordova/phonegap.
    HTML5 based programming, so very easy for what you want to do.

  • If you want to start in android development I'd suggest downloading Android Studio and following some tutorial. If I wanted to follow a blog with notifications I'd probably add it to my RSS feed and use a RSS reader to keep myself updated.

  • +1

    I assume you want to get off the ground running?

    In your case the easiest solution would be to make your Wordpress blog and simply use one of the many codeless services that native-appify it and now mostly support push notifications (e.g.

    Since I have no experience using any of these services (they normally charge money) I can't recommend any service but I'd just keep Googling.

    If you already knew HTML/JS and were making a more complicated app I'd recommend learning React Native. I assume you want results in the next couple of months though.

  • Basic app? what kind of app?
    for windows, unix? android app? iphone app? web app? windows mobile app?
    what does it need to do, show information? process information?

  • So you want something to notify you when a blog makes a post?

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