Weatherproof Nightvision Wireless Camera - Suggestions Needed

Hi OzB,

Need some advice on a wireless camera I can install outside to that has enough quality (1080p?) in the recording to identify people.

It will be installed in a driveway with about 15-20m distance from where it will be installed.

There is a bit of light from the street lights but not a whole lot.

Looking at a budget of around $100.


  • +2

    I'm assuming because you're asking about cameras, this is your first time at installing one ?
    If so, here's a few things to keep in mind..

    Make sure the camera does not overlook anyone elses property, and in some cases, even the footpath can be a contentious area.

    Most cameras are completely crap at night time. Those LEDs that are ringed around the lens are good if the person sticks their face up to the camera, anything further than that, they are useless.
    Better option is to buy an infrared bulb, or even one of those UV bulbs and stick into the outside light socket. The camera will pick up that light easily, giving you much greater visibility.
    Conversely, during the daytime, you want to make sure the camera is not facing a surface with high glare - such as the footpath as this can bloom out the camera and potentially damage it.

    Not sure if you're wanting this for surveillance or just to see when Mum is popping round, but if it's the former, you'll want to consider some way of hooking it up to either a DVR or PC. If it's the latter, then plugging it into the TV will be fine. Make sure you check what connectors the camera has, as a lot of them still have the old BNC connectors.
    Alternatively, having an IP camera will allow you to see the camera from a PC or phone/tablet.

    Temporary vs Permanent
    You'll have to consider powering the camera, which are typically installed under the eaves of the house. If it's a temporary thing, say for the weekend, then a battery pack may suffice with a cheap wireless camera.
    If it's a more permanent fixture, then you'll need to consider running power to it.

    Swann are the most prolific, but you can pick up some cheap DLINK outside cameras on eBay. I've used both, and would recommend Swann over DLINK, as it copes better with the bright sunlight. The DLINK just blooms out overlooking a garden, whereas the Swann is just fine in bright sunlight viewing the driveway.
    Your software option will differ too, with the options of having a set area to monitor, emailing and uploading video offsite, remote access, etc

    There's plenty of cameras to choose from, but it really depends on your requirements as to which brand to go with.

    Hope this helps

  • +1

    I use this…
    Day time definitely can identify people or number plates.
    POE. so you only need network cable.
    You can get the Chinese version for your budget.
    1080P or Higher.
    Good build weather-proof.

  • Thankyou to the both of you for the recommendations and advice.

    boomramada's suggestion looks like what I'm needind but will cost me $$.

    Since it is POE, can it just connect to my router or PC for recording? What can I use to record?

    • You can use this camera via wireless or wired to your router even without POE.
      If you don't have a POE switch, then you need to power the camera with separate power point.
      Cheapest POE switch is around $80; get something like this…
      if you have more than two camera, invest on a DVR, which comes with 4 POE+

      bottom line, this camera works well in Android app than web browser (IE only), if you want hdmi out, then you need DVR about $180+.
      Image quality and notifications are pretty good.

      • So it can record to somewhere via wireless?

        • yep, if you have a nas hd or hd connected to your router. I wish I bought a DVR, it can put a HD in it.

          I don't record video, i set to send notifications to my email.

        • @boomramada:

          Too easy mate, I think that's all I need. Just connect via DC power and record wirelessly to a HD on my router.

          Last question, where would one buy the camera you suggested (that's reputable for warranty etc.)?

        • @neo-X:
          I bought mine from aliexpress from a seller with high rating.
          As I describe before, its Chinese version, hacked to English, which mean you can not upgrade the firmware.
          some people argue which mean, Chinese can hack it? well not that you going to install them in your bed room ;)
          Well it is around $100 per unit with one year aliexpress warranty, compare to Aus version which is $250

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