Hows My Republic NBN Gamer Pro compared to TPG Unlimited? (PERTH WA)

So I just found out about My Republic ISP with the Gamer package (i kno at 2am)
My house is basically all about gaming, eg DOTA 2, COD, CS GO etc, so ping and latency is important.

At the moment im paying $89.99 to TPG Unlimited top tier, then! I just checked out My Republic which is offering top tier NBN, unlimited and with static IP and reduced latency for $70, $20 cheaper!.

Im located in Perth, Byford area, If anyone is from around Perth aswell with My Republic NBN top tier can you tell me what pings you getting on games like Dota 2, Im getting around 70-80 ms,


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  • Not from perth but my connection is so much better on MR compared to when i was on tpg.
    tpg was ok but i got completely random lags not often maybe once a day but i did notice it

    Ive been with MR since a week after they started accepting orders last year.
    plus 4 times the 25 download speed i was with on tpg for the same price.

    I play rocket league on PC and my Ping is 4.

    If you are truly getting 80 ping on FTTP something is wrong i was getting 1 ping from tpg

  • NBN-FTTP TPG Unlimited here, ping sits on 10ms to 20ms continually for Australia gaming servers.

    • What game?

      • CS:GO, COD, Overwatch - an array of steam games.

        Are you on the 100/40Mbps?
        Do you have a decent router setup?

        • Yea 100/40
          ,i have nighthawk x6

  • Skymesh here, most games I have around 4~12 ping.

    • Sweet. I'm planning to get Skymesh as well.

      Edit: What plan are you on? Seems like the 100/40 plan is only $5 a month more expensive than the 50/20 plan.

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