Cheapest Source for Electronic Components

Hi Everybody!

Just wondering if anyone can recommend places to purchase electronic components from?
(Ie Resistors, Transistors, LEDs, diodes, Capacitors, wire, fans etc)
I know of a few places, but I'm looking for more, ideally cheaper.
Here are the Aussie ones I'm aware of from Most expensive to least are;

Element 14

I'd be interested in OS stores as well, as long as the shipping isn't too expensive.


  • +4


    • +1

      Came to recommend the same :)

  • +2

    RS is good for componenents (eg. IR sensors, optocouplers) and they ship free and very fast. seems to have lots of Adafruit Arduino-related boards for cheap. Free delivery over $60. Haven't bought from them yet.

    EBay is a fallback. Lots of cheap stuff from China but have to wait for it to arrive.

    • Digikey's web site is much easier to use than element 14. They tend to be a little more expensive, but if you value your time than you'll probably come out ahead by using Digi…

      RS has less of a range, but as you say, the free shipping means they win for small orders.

  • +1

    I hate to use the term TCO, total cost of ownership, but do factor in your own time and effort when looking at component costs, as saving a few cents or dollars here and there gets lost very quickly if you have to identify a failure and rework it. I buy according to purpose, sometimes cheap and nasty stuff off ebay from China, fun but definitely disposable grade. For better items I use Element 14, Mouser and Digikey on a bit of a rotation.

    PS some items like fans are cheaper from computer specialists rather than electronics specialists. LCDs and motors can also be expensive compared to other types of stores.

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