Who Has Experience Repairing Broken Phones? (Samsung Galaxy Note 3)

The phone is a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, it works perfectly except for the screen no longer lights up. My daughter spilt a little bit of water on it hours before it gave up the ghost so that's probably the cause although it had some intermittent problems before that.

I've ordered a new phone so I'm not relying on this but it'd be fun to try and fix plus then I can give it to my daughter.

I'm comfortable pulling a phone apart and there are guides on YouTube to replacing circuitry which seems pretty simple to be honest. I'm wondering if I just buy a Note 3 with smashed screen which otherwise works and take the insides of that and put it into mine, since it's powering the smashed screen it should then power my non-smashed screen just fine. That's my theory but no experience to back this up.

I know we live in throw away times but if anyone with some experience could jump in I'd welcome the challenge as it's otherwise still a great phone. If the repair costs are over $100 I won't bother however.


  • it works perfectly
    the screen no longer lights up.

    So… it doesn't work perfectly?

    • Okay okay you got me.

      Everything else works fine though, the buttons still light up and sometimes you can see a quick flicker where the screen tries to power up but fails. After a quick look on ebay even smashed phones are fetching over $100 so maybe this idea was a little premature. I thought if I could pick up something for $30-60 I'd have a crack at it but maybe not…

  • Do the rice trick. It way work back

    • I'm aware of that trick but there was very little water, like just a few drops which had already dried up (on the outside) when I got to it. Inside there was a little damp trails but honestly nothing warranting the rice trick. I did open 'er up and use a hair drier but at that stage I couldn't see any dampness anywhere anyway. I'm thinking the water hit the right spot and fried something, if I had a spare Note 3 I am reasonably confident I could replace the motherboard (or whatever we call these things in phones) and have it working again - i don't think the screen is dead, just the circuitry trying to power it. Of course I could be wrong!

  • Try putting it in the oven at a low temperature for a while … < 100 degrees.

  • I'll probably let the phone go, it's looking too pricey to fix a 2013 phone.

    Interestingly it works perfectly via the dr.fone toolkit for Android software. It's got a remote feature, control the phone via the pc. So I was able to get everything off that I needed despite the built-in feature of that software designed to do just that failing.

    In another twist of events I managed to resurrect my older Note 1 phone (from 2011) and that's my main phone until the LG V20 arrives. It's rooted and running Android 7.1.2 :)

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