Late Debit Card Mailing by CBA. Is it affecting my credit score?

So, I had a Platinum Debit card with Commonwealth Bank which was due to expire on 05/17. I get an email notification to activate my new card. Then I get an SMS too so I wait. I waited more than 3 weeks but my card doesn't arrive and I go to the Commonwealth Bank branch in Perth city to find out what's going on. I tell them the situation and the staff member says that I've been waiting too long. She says that I should cancel my replacement card and get a new card. So, I do. She says that it should arrive in 5-6 business days.

A week or so later, I get the card that I was initially supposed to receive but I can't activate it anymore because it has been cancelled. I wait for my new card. Nothing. More than a week has passed. I go to the bank and ask what's the status. I tell them that I haven't received any activation notifications. My app hasn't told me that a new card is awaiting activation. The guy says that I should cancel that card and get a new one. He says that my current card will expire in a few days so I should cancel that too to help get my newer card sooner. So, I do it. He says that the new card should arrive in 5-6 business days.

I wait around 8-9 days. Nothing again. No activation notifications. I am now getting payment failed notifications from my gym and Alinta Gas (because they're both tied to my debit card). I go to the bank and tell them everything. The guy says that it should be on its way. I am furious. I tell him that my payments are failing and can he double-check? He does and tells me that my new card isn't coming. He says that by cancelling my card the first time, it removed me from the Platinum list and that I can order a new normal card. Then, when I get it, I can be on the list to order a Platinum card. Now that enrages me further. I told him that I work Monday to Friday. These days, I literally don't have time to call every company and get them to change my card numbers and then change them AGAIN when I get my Platinum card. Why can't they issue a Platinum card straight away? Some companies don't even allow me to set up a direct debit from my bank account (looking at you, Alinta). I've told him that my payments have failed. If this affects my credit score, I will be furious at CBA because none of this is my fault! He apologises, gets the manager who doesn't help me much either. They tell me to file a complaint and that's all they can do. They order me a normal debit card and I'm so angry that I can't get a Platinum straight away.

This is literally causing me a lot of headaches and inconvenience. I'm worried that my credit score is being affected because I can't pay due to CBA's fault. I filed a complaint with them and in the request part, I asked that they call me straight away. That was last Friday and I still haven't been called back. Guys, is there anything else I can do? I'm furious at them and worried about my credit score. What do I do?

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Commonwealth Bank
Commonwealth Bank


  • +2

    Debit card doesnt affect credit score..

    That's very unprofessional on their part. If you want to stay with CBA then just have to wait I suppose.

    There are many other banks that would love your business.

    Get a credit card too.

    • Yeah, I don't really know why I'm with them. How's ANZ?

      • if you don't already have an ING account, getting it with a referral would earn you $100, that's if you want to continue using the debit card route.

        Otherwise, I use credit cards for direct debit arrangements. That's my recommendation.

        I'm with ANZ too, but I only use it for day to day banking. Paying CC bills. :)

      • I definitely agree that ING account is great, no fee, free atm given $1000 monthly deposits etc and yes $100 referral makes it even better.

        I've referred numerous friends over the year and happy to do more, they all enjoy using ING. Let me know if you have any questions re ING.

        With credit card, I'm recommending ANZ Black for the bonus points and/or Westpac Black for the bonus points, Balance transfer and free interest period AND one of the better reward credit cards nowadays.

  • the reason why you don't have the card is because the Platinum Debit Mastercard with CBA has been phased out.
    you'll need to join us commoners

    • Ah, crud. I do love my Platinum card.

    • +1

      When did this happen? I got an offer to upgrade to a Platinum Debit Mastercard just earlier this month.

      • +1

        It is still around. My card just got renewed and my friend just got an offer for the card (don't even know what they use the term offer, it just a debit card lol)

    • They're not phasing them out. People are still getting offers to upgrade to them at the moment.

      • yes i realised this after i commented.

  • +1

    Why would any reasonable person think cancelling their current card will make a new card come sooner ? That makes absolutely no sense at all, if a bank rep told me that, my bullshit meter would be going off the charts.

    Although i would never put myself in this situation, maybe you should make a complaint to the ombudsmen. Although not sure how anyone can help you, since you agreed to it, they can make suggestions, but ultimately the decision is yours. Your ignorance is no excuse.

    • Well, thanks for being so blunt. :(

      Even if I didn't cancel my card, it was going to expire in a week so that wouldn't really matter. I did ask him about it but just shrugged it away when I knew my card was expiring soon.

      Didn't really care until my payments started failing and I realised that they had no clue about their own system and my card was definitely not coming.

      • The card you have, and the account that is ongoing connected to the card are 2 different things. The card itself is usually not sent by the financial institution, but a 3rd party.

        If you cancel the account, you lose everything, cancelling the card just leads to a new card being reissued.

        For them to say you are no longer eligible for platinum, means he cancelled your whole account. Which you should never do.

        Anyway your late payments may affect your credit score for 3-6 months. In the future make sure you have multiple cards, so you can easily change your billing info when you need to. Thats why i always keep 2-3 cards, usually a mastercard, a visa and an american express. One has no international fees, another will have maybe a cashback or similar, and the 3rd rewards.

        I think there is a guide about this on ozbargain somewhere.

        Whenever you are dealing with a bank rep, you dont really know their level of knowledge, or experience, they could be telling you anything just to get rid of you, you need to use critical thinking to see if what they are saying makes sense, i never take what they say at face value. That's asking for trouble.

        • For them to say you are no longer eligible for platinum, means he cancelled your whole account. Which you should never do.

          CBA usually gives out the Platinum Debit Mastercard to anyone with $20k+ in the bank in cash assets (not super) and enquires about it
          i enquired about it about a month ago and they said its being phased out, however looking at WP forums people still are being offered them.
          I might call them tomorrow ;)

        • @tuzii: I got an invite without needing to ask for it and have never had anywhere near $20K in my account.

        • @Easton:
          strange, thats what they told me when i asked sometime ago.
          ill get on the blower and see what they can do for me.

  • +1

    Mate in the meanwhile, open an account with NAB(free, immediate) and also open one with Citi(good for travel) and ING/Macquarie(almost no fees).

    Being stuck with one bank is so 1980s.

    • I never see any NAB ATMs which is why I don't bank with them. In times of need, I want to withdraw cash straight away without incurring extra charges. The big ones here in Perth are Westpac, ANZ, CBA, and Bankwest (which is owned by CBA).

      • You dont see NAB branded ATMs because they use the rediATM network. Go here and punch in 6000 (zip for Perth) to see how many locations you have. (Hint: I see 12 just in the Perth CBD)

      • Again, ING is free atm anywhere in Australia if you deposit $1k a month.

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