Reasonably priced 3D printing in Melbourne?

Can anybody recommend anywhere in Melbourne that offer 3D printing at a reasonable prices? Preferably in the CBD or in Melbournes West.

I've tried getting quotes for some small items at the Officeworks 3D centre in the city and need some comparisons. I realise 3D printers have gotten cheap and likely be saving money if I begin printing more often.


  • What are your needs? How big? How many? How often?

    • Nothing serious. Mostly little hobby projects that I've been meaning to finish using small parts I've found on thingverse. It certainly not much at this point and the prints would be one offs. Small in size and no bigger then a diameter of an A4 piece of paper and a few centimetres in height. For example, a custom Raspberry Pi case.

      Surprisingly, none of my family/colleagues/friends own one or are into it. I would be asking them otherwise.

      • Here's one place to try You'll find most of the online places are used by businesses trying to rapid-prototype a project before mass production. The technology they use can range from your typical store-bought 3D printer to exotic laser/resin systems. Typically not cheap. They tend to use strong materials with smooth accurate finishes, preferring nylon to your domestic ABS (strong but rougher) or PLA (smooth but not as strong and dissolves in water) plastics. For tinkering, you might need to find a friend (I think there is a MakerSpace in Footscray where geeks meet to invent stuff, that have a printer) or a school or business that might do you a favour. You should be able to buy your own for a few hundred dollars if you look in the right places (some assembly required).

        • Thanks for the suggestions. I did spot Makerspace in Footscray though my searches but wasn't quite sure how it worked. Definately considering buying a cheaper unit given the cost. At least to see if it's something worthwhile that I won't get bored of after a week.

  • Isn't it better to do that online?

    I know zip about 3D printing but I already know there's services for this online including ones that do shipping/payments if you want to sell designs.

    Come to think of it I've already used one of these services to buy a thing to hold a controller and a tablet together. It broke very fast lel …

    • Which online stores did did you use? How was pricing?

  • Can't you get 3d printers for under $200 now?

  • Have you checked out your local library or makerspace ? Mine library has a 3D printer now you can reserve to use or just rock in there. They charge $3.50 per hour for consumables and in peak time limit usage to 3hrs at a time. But keep in mind a good quality print might take all day, depending on what you're doing

    • Somebody suggested Makerspace above but i never thought a library's would offer 3D printing. $3.50 an hour is cheaper then anywhere else I've been quoted. Can I ask which library in Melbourne is charging that much? Feel free to PM if your wanting to be discreet about your location.

      • Ah sorry I'm in Sydney.
        The time / price could get away on you if you just want to print random things on thingiverse. I just bought a $600 printer and I'm now printing stuff largely for the sake of it, but this model for example took 10 hours to print… It's cool for a gimmick but I wouldn't pay $35 for it…

        • Not a problem.

          I've considered buying my own but my place just isn't ideal for it (space, ventilation, noise). I can see how I would get a lot of use from and you're right… I can just as easily see how tempting it would to start printing off random things just because you can. No doubt I would fall into that category.

          Cool Stormtrooper Buddha!

  • Anyone in Brisbane feel like or have the capability to print up modified lower height coffee machine drip tray?

    Apparently ABS 20% filled is recommended

    use Material that withstands the temperature of hot water/steam coming out of the machine. We used TitanX (which basically is ASA). Any ABS should normally be fine. Don't use PLA for this or it will get melted down.

    I've got a few quotes including zeal3d but they are a bit too expensive (and would prefer pick up etc).

    Details and STL file here


    • Found a company in the UK that makes proper ones, in vacuum moulded in thick and durable black ABS plastic
      a lot cheaper including delivery than getting anything made (and don't leak).

  • Is there a place that prints markforged parts?

  • I was wondering if there is any updates on this.

    I would like to print small hobbyist projects. The Melbourne Library Makersplace usually works perfectly but some projects go over the 4-hour printing limit they have and all the businesses I find online are more b2b focused and their prices are a bit too expensive considering these are just small projects for home.

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