ACCC: Apple Criminally Misleading Customers about Consumer Rights & Error 53

We all know that it's routine for some of the largest businesses in Australia to carry out criminality where they believe they can get away with it - and the hallowed Apple is no different it appears and joins the other fraudsters, spammers and tax evaders.

Apple is a criminal organisation because it systemically behaves like a criminal: this is not "rogue employees".

The ACCC is taking Apple to court after an extensive operation which included undercover work.

"The case, set to go to trial in mid-December, accuses Apple of wrongly telling customers they were not entitled to free replacements or repair if they had taken their devices to an unauthorized third-party repairer. That advice was allegedly given even where the repair — a screen replacement, for example — was not related to the fault.…

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  • I think criminal law has fallen into limbo in the area of consumer fraud. Belle Gibson was only ever pursued in civil court. They don't like Peter Foster selling weight loss sprays, but I think that's based on defying court orders rather than consumer fraud. I think police would redirect you elsewhere. Victoria Police redirect people to Consumer Affairs. I think the ACCC will still only pursue this matter in the civil courts.

    • Well, weight loss sprays will work when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, just like all the infomercials say when they advertise their weight loss products…

  • I was told this when I took a phone in with a screen fixed by 3rd party. I was tokd they wont touch it now because someone else has opened the phone up.

    Sad, but apple does what apple wants coz it can. Good to see ACCC taking some action.

  • +1

    Lol their customer service is awful

  • I had my iPhone break down in the 23rd month. The genius told me to get a new phone because I was almost out of contract rather than getting it fixed under warranty (24 month contract). I got them to repair it but never bought another Apple device.

  • It the reason why I swap to android years ago. Apple want to embed you in their eco and economic system deeply which I do not agree with. You cant disable my phone just because i paid a guy $150 to fix a problem that you would have charged $500. That is unethical.

  • +2

    Apple don't want you to know about Area 53

  • I will be interested to see the outcome of this case. However, I can understand where Apple is coming from; how can they guarantee the guy who repaired it didn't cause any other damage whilst he was there. The ACCC may have an issue with trying to get a definition around what Apple has to repair, and what they don't, and how it can be proven that the fault is not related to the previous repair. However, I do agree that an update in the IOS should not disable things that currently work under the old IOS. I have been caught out by cables that previously worked suddenly not working.

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