Heavy Duty/Industrial Trike Anyone Have Experience/Opinions?

I am an old mature, large, heavy man (186cm/150+kgs) with crook knees and back. To get out and exercise more, save taxi money and keep up with my son's powerchair I have been looking at buying a trike (rather than a bike which is probably more than I can manage safely). It seems something like the Gomier Industrial Trike @$849-$1000 would be ideal or the cheaper 26" version of Trike-Bike @$550 (+$79 delivery & extra for a heavy duty seat post) however I live in regional Qld so I have no opportunity to test before buying. Does anyone have any experience or advice on purchasing a trike?

As an added question; an investment like this will need to be protected. What are some of the more economical ways to keep the trike as safe as is possible? I can't tell you how many times I have seen individuals riding around on a bike carrying a set of bolt-cutters. It's a little disheartening how frequent and brazen they are.



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