Rise of the Trolls - Four Corners Documentary

Watched this 42 minute documentary last night on ABC's Four Corners. A great insight into the person behind the troll…

"They do it because they want to get a reaction. They want to see me lash out and it all feeds into this sick and twisted entertainment value to them."

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  • +1

    you trolling for a reaction?

    • big reactions are had with the computing community. its funniest there

      • +1

        I'd say specifically with the GPU communities… say you like AMD or Nvidia and why the other one is inferior and it just blows up from there.

        • the GPU is where it's at lols

        • +1

          @supnigs super skids: They're second only to those that constantly argue about android/apple being better than the other… I don't understand why people can't appreciate the product for their strengths rather than to scrutinize every little flaw the product has.


        • @ProjectZero: haha. you're familiar with the triggers

        • @supnigs super skids: I just browse the reddit and here too much lol…

  • +7

    I dislike the frequent use of the word troll.

    Too often it encompasses people who just have a differing opinion even if they have a rationale. No I don't mean things like 'the Holocaust is a myth'.

    Even in political discussions, if you back cuts to welfare spending, then you are a troll because most people oppose that idea.

    • -3

      if you back cuts to welfare spending, then you are a troll because most people oppose that idea.

      If you don't believe in welfare cuts but you misrepresent your position in order to antagonize people then yes, you are a troll. If you genuinely believe welfare cuts are a good thing you are simply inhumane.

      • +4

        Is inhumane a level above or below troll? I don't have my chart with me right now.

      • +3

        Someone is inhumane for even suggesting welfare is cut?
        Using your logic all welfare is good and does no harm and once in place should never be cut.
        Seems legit.
        Do you believe someone should get the pension if they own their principal residence outright and it is worth say $10 million dollars and they have no other assets?

        • -1

          Nice straw man.

      • +2

        It's inhumane to promote long term welfare dependency? It's inhumane to take away the incentive for the small number of dole bludgers (who give other welfare recipients a bad name) to get a job? It's inhumane to cut spending on welfare to fund the NDIS, better hospitals or foreign aid for those surviving on less than $1/day overseas?
        Yeah, i see your point. Anyone that ever supports welfare cuts must be inhumane.

    • +1

      Trolls love to call others troll, because if they do it first, anyone who calls them a troll seems like their just copying the insult from the perspective of a third party observer.

      I would never call you a troll tsunamisurfer. Just ignorant

      • +1

        I think his statement was to prove his point about the over use of troll, may not necessarily reflect his stance… although I can't be sure lol

        • -1

          To me it sounded like he was using it as a launching pad to prove he wasn't what some faceless nobody said he was in a meaningless internet argument, and I am sure of that.

          I think the word 'troll' is a naughty word and you shouldn't say it because one time a bad person called me a troll and it hurt my feelings just because I said I wanted the gubbymints to give less money to dirty bums because they just spend it on booze. And if they did that there will be more money for me and then I can play all the really good video games and eat loads of treats and everyone will like me and noone will be allowed to call me bad things again

    • yeah it's become a shortcut to making someones opinion seem null and crazy, someone makes an argument that goes against yours, call them a troll, boom, a whole bunch of people have now written off the opposing argument as garbage spouted by a crazy person just trying to incite a reaction, doesn't matter how valid their argument is or that you provided no actual counter points you've already got supporters, the media loves it, a certain president loves it, its gone a long way from actually being a crazy person seeking attention usually by spouting actual garbage with little structure

      • People are using troll as a catalyst for reaction!

  • +1

    South Park did a whole season on trolls, sounds like a job for TROLLTRACE.COM

  • +5

    People are trolling because they wish to elicit a reaction? Groundbreaking stuff

  • +4

    It was enlightening for me to learn of the insane punishments for those caught. 12 weeks in prison for 6 drunken Tweets deleted abd apologised for the next day- you have got to be kidding. If you physically assault someone you will probably get a good behaviour bond*.

    *I just checked the local court report to see if I'm accurate- yes.

    • What was the content of the tweets? (I am at work, can't watch the doco)

      • Rape/assault/death(?) threats to a feminist or similar (by a female FWIW).

  • +2

    Trolls come in all shapes and sizes, and they all suck.
    I'll just leave this here.

    • +1

      That picture has everything doesn't it. Fat guy in his underpants..computer setup right next to a toilet for easy access.. motion lotion on the side of the desk. Everything you need for a pity party

  • oh yes. I like this

  • I live under a bridge

    • Have you see my three billy goats?

  • +3

    "They do it because they want to get a reaction. They want to see me lash out and it all feeds into this sick and twisted entertainment value to them."

    We needed a documentary on trolls to work this out?

  • +1

    They should replace the word troll with Twitter

  • +3

    Any bargains?

  • Interesting that when anyone disagrees with a video or post they are branded as a troll. So much for FREE SPEECH???

    • +1

      Free speech? Where? The best I can find is 15% off on eBay tonight if I use a coupon code, and even then only if I buy $100 worth.

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