Free or Cheap SIM for offers like Uber etc

Is there any cheap or free sim that can be activated temporarily to receive incoming SMS etc to use offers like Uber for New Customers.


  • try Kogan, they give free sims

    • +1

      I already have a few Kogan sim kits but the question is can those be activated without choosing a prepaid plan?

      • +1

        they used to be, not sure now. last year I had one that lasted ~6 weeks before it could no longer receive texts.

      • You're right, can't be activated without a plan.

        I'm in the middle of doing it for a family member and you need a plan or voucher code to do it.

        A bit off topic, but for some reason at the last stage (stage 7 -payment) where they ask for credit card to confirm your details I always get an issue no matter how many cards I've used. The name is the same as the one that's being used on the account..

        • That might be because you might have used that card at some point with Kogan Mobile?

        • @batrarobin: I don't know, its really frustrating - tried multiple cards and changed the name to reflect the card and no avail. Have to call up kogan..their suppport is offline at the moment.

  • +1

    Don't they look at your payment method too to determine whether you're a "new customer" or not?

    • I believe so. That's why I want a new debit card and preferably a new name and address.

  • I think Uber ID's your phone (at least for iPhones) so you can't reuse new customer offers.

  • +2

    $2 sims from Yomojo and you can select the zero dollar plan. Only pay for use.

    I switched numbers recently and kept my old one alive on Yomojo just in case.

    PS Uber sucks. You are enslaving your fellow Australians on less than minimum wage.

    • +2

      Uber sucks. You are enslaving your fellow Australians on less than minimum wage.

      Agree. Use Rydo instead.

    • I don't see anyone putting guns to their heads to work for Uber. Some people may see it as a hobby. Plus, they might want to improve their driving/navigation skills and earn money while doing so.

      And if you really feel that way, you're always able to give them a tip out of your own pocket.

      • Says someone employed and comfortable. Go drive for Uber.

        • Are you suggesting that Uber drivers have no choice of employment?

          If that's the case, what good will it do to discourage people from using it?

        • @ChillBro:

          Yeah people who have choices take less than minimum wage. Pat yourself on the back for screwing your fellow man. You're a humanitarian.

        • @Mr Gradgrind:
          Thanks for admitting you'd rather they starve rather than earn what they need to survive just so you can feel better about yourself.

        • @ChillBro:

          Ponder this the next time you're feeling good about taking Uber. By exploiting the driver you are getting a cheaper ride. Well done!

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