What Do We Get by Sharing Bargains in OzBargain

My title for this post may be very explicit

But I always wonder what do we really get by sharing the bargains other than getting satisfaction of sharing with fellow people

I know there was a topic on this but no direct answers

There are addicts who keep checking this site like Telstar eBay offers recently

There are people who Long for likes or comments and who like to thrash others

But for all the time and effort being spent by fellow ozbargainers what do they really get ?

Let me be more direct
Do they get monetary benefit other than referral wiki?

Poll Options

  • 75
  • 22
    I don't know why
  • 36
    I get some monetary return
  • 10
    Good question to think about


  • Ozbargain exists so the domain owners get a nice partner kickback for each link that is clicked through and and order placed.
    They would make a killing on the Ebay Partner Network alone! Great passive income!

  • Because the only way to survive amongst the greedy corporates and real estate millionaires in our absurdly costly cities is by sharing bargains and joy within OzBargain community. It's been a subtle source of life directions and constant motivation. This is one place where money still has got some value.

  • To help others. And, eneloops.

  • Shitpost of the highest order.

  • humans (deep down) like to help each other. it doesnt have to make sense, but much of life doesnt.

    example: your walking through a building, you hold the door open for the (stranger) behind you. why? you dont know this person, you dont owe them anything, they wont say anything if you didnt, yet you still choose to do this task, even though it doesnt benefit you one bit.

    the reason we actually do these things, is in the hope that if everyone does these good deeds, then humanity will be better overall. using the above example, i personally get very annoyed if the person in front of me doesnt bother to hold the door, even if im right behind them. so the rational is, if i do it, and the next person does it and so forth, the world will be a better place.

    same goes for ozbargain, the person posting the bargain doesnt really get any physical reward for doing so, but my appreciation, so therefore to return the favor, the next time i see a bargain, i will post it, for the better of the community, to keep the ball rolling :)

  • I came here just to read the comments.

  • I've only shared a few things but I find that I like to give to the community from which I take. This community has helped me save more than $100 on a Dyson v8, helped me find a cheap laptop and much more - The least I can do is give back when I see something that interests me due to a discount or a freebie.

  • Like many things else in life, if you don't do it someone else will. If it's not here then it will be on other websites. Why don't take the initiatives and be the first to get the credits ?

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