Flight from Sydney to Lahore


Previous years I've found tickets from Sydney to Lahore for around $1050 but this year I'm having trouble with agents as most are well over $1200. Was wondering if anyone would know the cheapest website to find a ticket for that certain destination? Dates are after 20th November and returning after 20th January.

Thank you in advance!

P.S Have tried IWTF along with skyscanner but both have been pretty miss.

Edit: My apologies… Going between 18th - 26th November while return between 20th Janurary to 30th.


  • First search..
    Depart Syd Nov 22 return Feb 06 $1041.

    • My apologies I should have wrote between 20th Janurary to 30th the return while going could be between 18th - 26th November.

  • Travel agents - you need to call each one to get quotes. They will have bought a huge chunk of the discounted seats. A number of specialists exist in this market and advertise heavily through Facebook and other social media channels.

    Another thing you need to be cognizant of is the times at which you fly - if you are planning around late August/early September - this is peak for school holidays and Eid. Any price that you will find will be above the standard 1000 AUD (incl. taxes) and will be around 1200 AUD mark.

    The other thing to look at is whether a series of one way tickets may come out to be cheaper (subject to some trickery and ability to waste the onward flights).

    Agents I've used:
    Pricebeat Travel
    FriendsNext Travel
    Best'n'Less Travel (not affiliated to the clothing chain)

  • I suggest go visit a travel agent in an area that is predominantly Pakistani

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