Looking for Best Interest Rate - Term Deposit for a Pensioner

Mum has $30000 to put in a term deposit. Where will she get the best rate. Thanks


  • -1


  • How long term? Though with a little monthly effort can get 2.80% (used to be 3%) from ING and have access to those funds within 24h

  • Just to clarify. Pensioner as in to old to work senior pensioner or those to lazy pensioners that can't get of their backsides to earn a living?

    • 91 years living on aged pension.

    • @whooah1979

      Just to clarify. Do you refer to quadraplegics, blind, retarded people, serious disease victims etc? As too lazy?
      Watch your tongue please.

      • Just to clarify. Do you refer to quadraplegics, blind, retarded people, serious disease victims etc? As too lazy?

        nope. i'm thinking of those customers that used to come in to our store waving their pensioner card around asking if they could get a discount. the same ones that we used to see every day at 0900 holding a beer in one hand and cigarette in the other.

        • And conscientious objectors too?

  • Of course you know that early redemption will be penalised!

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