Expired Coles Myer Gift Card Help

Hi all,

I found a Coles Myer giftcard while doing a clean out. Under expiry date on the card itself, it is blank. However, when I check the balance on the card online, it says that the gift card has expired. How likely do you think I am to get a replacement giftcard or have the expiry date extended on the gift card?

Also looking for help on what can I say if I get the initial pushback saying that the card has expired?

Note: This is an actual giftcard that was paid for by one of my relatives with actual money, not some promotional giftcard that I am trying to get the business to honour at all costs.


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Coles Group & Myer Gift Cards
Coles Group & Myer Gift Cards


  • Doubtful

  • Not very likey, I'd throw it in the bin and pretend you never found it.

  • +1
  • +4

    I'd contact them 'on behalf of an elderly parent whose drawer you were just cleaning out'. I did this previously with another retailer and got the date extended easily as they did not include the expiry date on the card and my elderly parent does not have internet.

    ACCC states "Businesses must clearly state:

    all conditions and restrictions on how you can use the gift card or voucher
    the expiry date of the gift card or voucher, including the activation expiry date for cards that need to be activated"

    Not everyone has the internet and therefore the date should be on the card.

    Worth a try and if not I'd try a complaint through ACCC.

    The business would probably just extend the date to get you off their back!

    Good luck

    • +1

      Thanks all, I will try and ask nicely.

  • +1

    Welcome to the joys of giftcards. Turning cash thats accepted anywhere and never expires, into funny money that limits your places to spend it, and the timeframe you can spend it.

    People, give cash, not giftcards.

  • Not sure if applicable in your case, but I found an expired Woolies coupon while cleaning out my email. It was issued due to out of stocks and was about 5 months expired.

    Called them up and asked them to reissue the voucher as it was paid for with cash (well, credit card) which doesn't have an expiry date - to which of course they refused. So I asked them to issue me a refund instead since I had paid via credit card at the time and they were the ones that couldn't fulfil my order. After 15m back and forth from the call centre manager, I had my voucher reissued. Might be dependent on the value, mine was <$100

  • Probably up to their discretion…my bet would be no, but worth a shot.

    This guy was successful, but his had no expiry date!


  • wasn't there changes occurring with consumer law in regards to gift cards? i.e. expiry dates were being removed because they should be considered as good as cash and cash doesn't expire.

    • I'd like to hear more about this, got a couple expired gift cards myself paid with cash.

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