BBQ Gas Bottle Gauge Shows Low Gas in Cold Temps?


So I have a gas gauge connected to my BBQ gas bottle and when I fire it up in the morning the gauge is showing that there is low gas (if ur familiar with these gauges, its at the very bottom of the green section) - I will use the BBQ and all is fine, and then if I turn the gas on later in the day, it will be showing as full.

I've only used it about 5 times since filling it, so there should be plenty of gas in it.

Is the cold weather in the morning affecting the gauge and giving a false read? Then when the day heats up its giving a more accurate read?

Help me science geniuses! - Is this contraction and expansion?


  • +1


    Charles's gas law is possibly the answer.

    This is a law stating that the volume of an ideal gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.

    In a nutshell the colder the cylinder the less volume of gas will be showing on the gauge and vice versa with warmer climates.


  • How does the gas gauge actually work? LPG is a bit funny, it is stored as a liquid and boils off to gas when the pressure drops.

    Have a look here:ā€¦

    • It's connected between the bbq regulator and the into the bottle itself - essentially when you turn the bottle on, it pressurises the gas gauge.

      • OK. Change Temp, change pressure -> change gauge.

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