Computer Course Recommendations for Novice


My sister has had a Lenovo laptop for 6 years and found its wifi software frustrating, but otherwise a decent laptop. She recently turned the wifi hardware off and it wouldn't turn back on. So she followed the Win 10 auto repair instructions but was worried to proceed as she thought she'd loose all her data. So she knew enough to try that, just not enough to pull the repair trigger.

I explained it was probably just going to uninstall/reinstall the drivers and we did that, and it fixed the issue. She was very relieved, and now can look for an upgraded laptop without a big rush. Amazing she's got 6 years out of this thing.

She wants to learn more about computers, and looking for online courses. Any recommendations out there? Free or cheap would be great of course.


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    • Any channels / content producers in particular? My usual digest of linus tech tips, Techmoan and 8 bit guy not quite what she's after…

      • +3

        What does she want to know? Type in How to …? and avoid How to Basic vids. You quickly discover the channels that appeal to you, then hit subscribe, and surf the sidebar for related content. W3C is great for web-based stuff, Toms Hardware usually has resolved questions, each individual software usually has a community. There is no demi-god of all things computer, there is simply too much to know. Just pick a topic and roll with the information avalanche. At the very beginning of my self-taught pc prowess, I would just type what I wanted to know, then add "for kids", it leads you to the most simple breakdowns of subjects until you have a little more knowledge.

      • +1

        ELi the Computer Guy

        He no longer makes YT videos, but all his stuff his still online. Over 200 hours of videos about basics, like hardware and networking

        • Awesome, appreciate that

  • +1

    In SA a local library membership provides access to Lynda which has lots of curated free computer courses.
    The WEA also offers courses.
    You can't cover everything.
    Before you start you need to decide why you want to do this and what you want to learn.

    • Awesome thank you!

  • +4

    Buy her a cheap old desktop and let her go hell for leather on, installing windows, device updates etc whilst youtubing for solutions. Something she can break with no ramifications.

    • Perhaps after some courses though. I think you have to be a certain sort of person to want to learn this way. I certainly like to.

  • FWIW those manufacturer WiFi managers are garbage you can uninstall. Just install the WiFi card drivers and make sure the management software is unchecked.

    • Too true. She's visiting next well, I'll do this for her.

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    I would be looking at more personal lessons (like you did) rather than on-line. Check out local libraries and community groups, CAE, TAFE colleges, even Officeworks conducts how to lessons.

    • Ok, that actually sounds like a great idea. Thank you!

  • +1

    Thanks all, you're awesome for the suggestions. Enjoy your weekend!

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