$0 eBook: Quality Reliability Maintenance Engineering Management

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by Dr. Nimai Mukhopadhyay, 1474 pages, published Aug 24, 2017

Amazon's Description:

This book (Quality Reliability Maintenance Engineering Management) is a very special book on quality as

• More than 100 years of quality history (1897 - Pareto analysis to 2016 Fuzzy PCIs of 6 sigma analysis), Taguchi quality philosophy, ISO quality, quality assurance, emerging concepts of quality, reliability, maintenance engineering management, TQM, application of quality and actual execution of quality engineering and management have been discussed in this book.

• Book is written from academician, engineering point of view with an eye of working executive and a management philosophy. No book on quality has been written from both engineering point of view and at the same time management point of view in the world till date.

• This book is going to be an asset for students (under graduate, post graduate, Ph.D scholar of Industrial engineering, production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and for all other Engineering and management fields involved in quality production and service as well as in the field of management of quality output and services as quality is a interdisciplinary subject), teachers, professionals, Engineers and Quality managers, industrialist, owner of organization in near future.

• This book will be an asset of any individual to enhance the quality of his personal life. He would be a TQP (Total Quality Person). He can solve his own personal problem by taking his own decision to his own individual life by mind mapping and other quality management tools and techniques.

• Till now there is no book all over the world which has discussed all quality issues (quality, quality management, TQM, customer, zero defect, Kaizen, ISO, Team management, leadership, conflict management, communication) together with QA, SQC, Taguchi methodology, Taguchi Fuzzy, 6 sigma, LSS, DFSS, Fuzzy PCA, Reliability and Maintenance in a single book with both engineering and management point of view.

• Taguchi chapters are discussed specially in detail which is not available in any book in a simple manner like this. Taguchi’s contribution of robust design, S/N ratio, and loss function has been discussed in this book. Taguchi’s approach helps to reduce noise (uncontrollable variables) and make the design robust. Taguchi philosophy along with DOE, OA, ANOVA analysis with multiple polynomial regression analysis application never discussed in a simple manner anywhere. Taguchi Fuzzy is a recent development in Industrial statistics after 2000 which is also included in this book.

• Anyone after reading this book can make a robust design using Taguchi method, can propose multiple polynomial regression equation and can make analysis of percentage significance of controlling variables by ANOVA and Taguchi analysis.

• This book will help engineering students of any branch and also management students of any branch to formulate undergraduate thesis.

eBook is free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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