Windows on Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3


I'm trying to install Windows 10 English on my Xiaomi 13.3 laptop. I'm just wondering what Windows do I use. I have heard of some using Windows 10 Pro English and it activates for them.
A guide I read said to install Windows 10 home single language edition.

So what did you guys use? How successful were you?
I got the 2nd version of the laptop with the MX150.



  • +1
    • This guide says they used Windows 10 Home….. Its not clear until you get 3/4 of the way through the guide.

  • What did you have before when you bought it? Home or Pro

    Just use the english version of the above and you SHOULD be right.

  • Using translate it says windows home.
    So I installed Windows home single language as the Reddit guide says.
    It wouldn't activate like the guide says.

    So I went on to the Windows help chat and a Microsoft rep tried to help me and then wanted to remote desktop control. So I let him do that and he gave me a new product code for windows 10 global edition and started downloading a Windows 10 iso from a random OneDrive link.

    Anyway I said I had to go bed now so let's continue later. Felt it was a bit strange and I actually had to sleep.

    Anyway can I just download Windows 10 and use global CD key the rep gave me instead of letting him install his own windows is which I don't trust so much. It was some guy from Microsoft but still don't like someone installing stuff remote.

    • If it is tech support directly from Microsoft then you shouldn't worry too much. Today most tech support is provided by handing them control of your computer - of course only do this with a company you trust! I think it'll be okay.

      • Yeah I thought so.
        Still I might just format windows and reinstall again just because. It's takes 10 mins anyway.

        • You can hash check his ISO with original to be sure after downloading has completed

  • Does anyone else have experience with this. I just ordered the i5-6200U version of this laptop thinking I'd be able to switch to English language as stated here:…
    and here
    (with about 3 or 4 others stating it worked for them as well)

    but reading some more I'm not so certain…


    • I couldn't get it to work for me.
      So I asked for help on the Windows 10 chat and the guy there gave me a new Windows 10 Home cd key. So I installed that and it wouldn't work still so I asked on chat again and they got me to copy my install ID and from that they got it to activate.

      • Can you elaborate on, "they got me to copy my install ID and from that they got it to activate.". I don't know ow what you mean by this, can you reply with the step by step? Appreciate the help. I assume your "install ID" is different to your license key?

        • I can only remember as I didn't take screen shots or anything.
          Basically I went onto Windows 10 chat( it is built into Windows 10 similar to Ebay live chat). I told them what the go was and I tried installing Windows Single Language English. This guy I was talking to at the time gave me a cd key for Windows 10 and a random One Drive link which was Windows 10 Home upgrade and he did that by remote connection.

          Anyway I told him I didn't have time and need to sleep and then next day I just downloaded Windows 10 Home myself and just installed it. I put that Windows 10 Home CD key that tech gave me and it worked when installing but once installed it wouldn't activate.
          So I went back to the chat and told someone new what happened and he got me to put a line of text in CMD.exe and it showed a install ID thing which is supposed to a unique ID that is created when you install Windows 10 with what ever CD key you use.
          Then this ID must of been genuine to him? I don't know but he gave me a number to put into a prompt like this :…

          and my Windows was activated.

          It is a bit annoying but it isn't too hard. Some techs are different and don't want to help so you might have to try a few times before getting one that will just give you a new cd key.

        • @Macgyver: Thanks, good info. If I run into issues I'll try the chat. Gearbest just told me my order is on backorder, so I'll be waiting a while anyway :(

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