Who Bought a Console (PS or Xbox) for Exclusive Game. and Which Game???

Hi everyone,

I bought ps4 pro just because I liked the uncharted 4(watched gameplay in youtube) and wanted to play(and it's totally worth it) even though I still own a Xbox one S.

Who else bought console like this and which game attracted you towards the console.

Note: this is no console war(I know people start fighting about each console greatness!!!)

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  • +2

    I purchased a Gamecube just for Resident Evil 4 and PS4 for Bloodbourne

  • +1

    100% absolutely had to buy ps4 after playing uncharted 1, 2 and 3.

    And I'll buy a ps5 if last of us 2 isn't ps4 compatible!

  • +1

    Uncharted & TLOU.

  • +4

    Xbox One for rare replay.

    To quote pretty woman "Big mistake! Huge!"

  • +1

    I bought the PS4 for pretty much all their exclusives, I'm not usually a sony fan, but having access to the last of us, gravity rush, uncharted and bloodborne was great and finally being able to access all those asian (mostly japanese) exclusives have been super nice.

    I got the Xbox one S largely for halo, sunset overdrive and reCore, though I ended up loving the console largely as anyone can dev for it through UWP and also I'm loving the fact I can play old skool games. Rare replay means access to banjo and conkers bad fur day! As well as backwards compatibility for Dragon age origins, witcher 2 and I'm hoping to replay the mass effect games again (for like the 5th time).

    Just bought the switch the other day from the sale from scoopon, mostly looking forward to the new Legend of Zelda and Splatooon and Mario Odyssey. Keeping an ear out to hear about new Pokemon games and Metroid games.

    Lastly 3DS for pokemon (like all of them) and to play super metroid from the virtual games.

  • +1

    I bought a xbox one s it came with a download code for forza horizon 3 i kept the console for 1 month and played and finished sunset overdrive, read dead redemption, gears of war 1/2/3 aswell as playing forza then i sold it cause there was nothing left i wanted to play that i couldn't play on my PC (gears of war 4)
    the console itself was awesome the home screen or whatever is a damn mess though so confusing even after a month i didn't like it.

    I still own a ps4 pro and my gaming PC
    uncharted the lost legacy is just as awesome as uncharted 4

  • Had dedicated console for Pong,
    Atari for Space Invader and PacMan
    16K ram PC for Rescue Helicopter and Donkey Kong when game was booted from music tapes.

    XboxOne for PVZ2
    Switch for Paint War.

    • "when game was booted from music tapes"

      we had a Tandy TRS80 that did the same. sounded awful when headphone jack was unplugged.

  • Sega Dreamcast for Soul Calibur!
    Original Xbox for Halo 1

  • I have a gaming computer but then again human eyes can't tell the difference between cinematic 720 @ 24fps and 4k @ 60fps

    • If the content was just upscaled then maybe I'd agree with you, but watching content recorded in 4K on a 4K device is a superior image to a 720p image. I agree that our eyes probably can't see all of 4K and they can't see at 60fps - but it would still be better than 720p.

  • +1

    X1 for the exclusives and even then I haven't kept up with X1 exclusives because I've been so happy playing my PS4. I used to be an xbox player back in the 360 days but then I made a switch to PS4 cause more of the exclusives interested me therefore I'd be on that console way more and I liked the overall feel of the PS4 than X1.

    Reason I went for PS4-
    Yakuza remakes
    Ratchet & Clank remake
    The Order: 1886
    Harvest Moon remasters

    X1 will only be played for certain exclusives
    Dead Rising
    Titan Fall (first one obviously)

    • I started with Xbox too. Uncharted 4 pulled me towards ps4 pro. So far it is awesome. I gonna play the game second time in a harder difficulty.

  • Almost bought a PS4 for Last of Us, but glad I didn't. Been playing PC games so long, it's rare that I like a console port

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