Urgent - Need Aircraft Grade Aluminium/Titanium near Wagga/Griffith/Temora

Urgent. Need a plate of aircraft grade aluminium or titanium or something else of that nature to build a high heat component for a rocket.

Located Near Ardlethan, we need to make a disc approx 5mm thick 70mm diameter to act as an insulator.

If you have or know anyone in the area who can supply the material that would be beyond helpful.

It can be thinner or thicker.

Desperate for it at this stage.


  • +21

    Nice try, kim

  • +5

    Rocketman! 🚀🇰🇵🧀

  • +3

    Try here:

    Ben Chifley Building, 70 Constitution Ave, Parkes ACT 2600

  • +1

    Geez and you come to OZB to ask about this?

  • -1

    http://waggawagga.adventist.org.au Maybe try this place, they might have leftovers from a spaceship.

  • Chat to the LAME's at either Wagga, Griffith or Temora aerodromes. They might have something. Temora has a restoration museum so might be best bet.

  • Isis made it out to temora? Google maps must be working

  • Located Near Ardlethan


    Since when did aluminium stop conducting heat?

    • Since CBA stopped charging ATM fees

  • Try NASA, or else North Korea.

  • Congratulations on making a watch list.

  • -1

    I wish someone took this seriously. Doesnt matter anymore we got the component made and launched a model rocket. If anyones actually interested in a video its up on Facebook somewhere. Comment so I know theres actually interest instead of everyone taking the piss out on a genuine request.

    • If you took it seriously, perhaps you'd be more organised.

      Also quick turn around to go from not having the component to having it made and launching a rocket in 24hrs. Smells like a big pile of bullsheeet to me.

  • Aluminium can withstand high heat? Since when?

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