online game stores

Hey everybody!

I just wanted to know if anyone knew any reliable online sources for cheap games
or where you would normally look?

Nothing specific I'm looking for….just a place to buy myself some pc/console games.



  • Hi, I only game on PC, but the places I generally buy from are Steam and G2play tho if you don't get much download quota these may not be worth it. Steam ( has specials everyweek and at holiday times (US) some of the sales are AWESOME but anything you buy from them has to be downloaded to play (unless you know someone with that game on steam and they could copy the game files to your PC). G2play ( sells cd-keys and then the software needs to be downloaded from the creators website (EA, ect) unless it's a Steam key in which case it needs to be downloaded through Steam.
    Sorry for such a long winded response. :)
    I hope this helps.

  • +1

    Google these - playasia, zavvi, thehut and ozgameshop. By far the cheapest place I've purchased my ps3 games and no fuss whatsoever. Only downside is waiting 2 weeks for delivery and not having the ability to trade in games but then it's no issue for me.

  • what wonga said + because they have -15% vat tax which we dont need to pay which most of the time is cheaper than thehut, ozgameshop, and zavvi

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