Playstation Move for 74 at Harvey Norman

Not sure if this qualifies as a bargain since it's not an advertised price. But if you call up Harvey Norman Auburn, they are selling the Playstation Move for only 74 dollars (if you talk to one of their salesmans, and raise up the previous 68 dollar deal). You might be able get it for lower if you bargain your way around with someone who doesn't know what they are doing. They claim it's below their cost price.

I'm not sure if this applies to all Harvey Norman. I don't think JB HiFi or DSE will beat the price since it's not an advertised price (FYI, JB's lowest price is 80, and DSE is 79 both of which said was their cost price).

Just in case anyone is on the market for these things and wondering. These prices are on par with (in HN's case, cheaper than) the international UK websites and, so it's a pretty good price.



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