Anyone in Queensland Have Their Phone Switch to Daylight Savings Time?

Are you in Queensland and did your phone switch to daylight savings time last night?

Mine did and I am with Vaya. It's a Redmi Note 3 set to use the network time zone. Now have to manually choose Brisbane UTC +10.

I know it's happened in the past that big telcos accidentally put the whole of Queensland on the wrong time because their technician made a mistake.


  • Yea I did this morning as did my wife's :/
    Both using the Redmi Note 3.

    • What carrier?

      • Both on Telstra.

  • Automatic setting based on GPS derived or gateway location may not be accurate so you will have to use manual setting. Alternatively Redmi may not have the up to date timezone file in their Android distro but that's unlikely since QLD hasn't had DST for decades.

    Try this site and see where it thinks your phone is located.

    • I thought it's based on the time received via the local phone network towers rather than anything to do with GPS?

      In the settings it was set to "Automatic time zone; use network-provided time zone".

      • Did you power cycle your phone?

        • I did on Saturday morning but otherwise no.

  • Yes. Samsung Galaxy Note 5. I had to turn off automatic time and set my timezone to Brisbane. This fixed the problem. I am on Telstra.

  • Yep, both mine and my girlfriends.
    A Pixel on Kogan mobile (Vodafone) and an Oppo f1s on Aldi mobile (Telstra) both set to automatic timezone.

  • +10

    take the hint

  • +6

    YES! Thanks for the early wake up on a Sunday morning the day after RIVERFIRE, what a great Brisbane festival present from Telstra!!

    I have a windows phone that was set to automatic zone, my wife has a Mi 4 on Android- so two different operating systems… both set to automatic time - the problem was with the Telstra tower, I had to turn it off automatic and set a new manual time / zone.

    My alarm went off, I had breakfast, got ready, dressed, went to the car and was driving to the shops (which open at 9am here on a Sunday) and my car said 8:20am… I was like, what? its like 9:20am, checked my phone, yeah, 9:20am… and then it clicked - THIRD YEAR IN A ROW. No wonder I was so tired after a late night, so annoyed.

    Total #$%&heads don't realise there is a world outside Sydney and Melbourne CBD.

    • Sorry it's really Total #$%&heads don't realise there is a world outside Qld (it's a great state but….)

    • +1

      Total #$%&heads don't realise there is a world outside Sydney and Melbourne CBD.

      Or you know…. you could just join with the rest of the EAST coast and there wouldn't be an issue!

      • +1

        Nah, their curtains will fade and the cows will make sour milk cause theyโ€™re confused.

        • hahaha yes thats true….. Why won't someone thing of the curtains!!!

      • +1

        Welcome to Queensland, please put your clocks back 20 years and one hour ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
        If we could just change to dalight savings I would

        • I get it might not be needed as 'much' as the southern states…. But just to keep things simple, why wouldn't you come along for the daylight savings ride.

          Every year, the banana state complains about the 'issues'. There is a simple fix to all these problems :)

        • +1


          Yes, the simple answer is for the southern States to cease their clock-fiddling. Daylight savings is bad for your health.


        • @barcer: So my curtains won't fade and I won't have a stroke if we don't change the clocks? Cool….

      • If I had some sort of say in daylight saving I would choose it for Queensland (at least SEQ), I used to live in NSW and it was one of the few benefits over this state… Who cares if Mount Isa's sun rises 70 minutes after the Gold Coast, right!? Lol.

        However none of this changes the fact that some incompetent p….. um.. 'people' stuffed up the clocks from what the actual time is for sending automatic data out to phones based on location. There are numerous time zones in existence - they should have the nous to set things up to get it right one of these years.

        Do they do the same thing in other time zones, randomly change Perth people's alarms from 6am to 4am or something - Sure they'd be just as unimpressed!?

  • +1

    Just leave it forward, itโ€™s much better.

  • My s8+ with telstra sim is fine on auto , while my sony zx with telstra sim on auto is not :(

  • My Meizu2 M2 did. I had to set data & time to manual, and then select Brisbane as my city. This set the time zone to Australian Eastern Standard Time, and fixed the time. I have to keep the setting on manual or it will go back to daylight saving time.

    I've owned this phone for two years, and I've only experienced this issue since changing from the Chinese ROM to the Global one.

  • Yea, I'm with Kogan, had to switch it to manual.

  • this happened to me a few years ago. arrived at work an hour early. was really confused by the lack of people around the city.

  • There are smartphones in Queensland ?

  • My Virgin S7 was on daylight savings Sunday morn, so I unlocked it and opened settings, but it auto changed to Qld time before I changed anything. Maybe a bug in Android 7, or Optus got their clock wrong again, then fixed it?

  • iPhone 8 on Optus, no issue.
    So what is the time, just in case ๐Ÿ˜†

  • I had no issues with any of my devices (Galaxy A7, Galaxy Tab S 10.5, Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus, all on Vodafone).

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